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Volúmenes de la CIE-10

La CIE-10 se edita en 3 volúmenes, el primero de los cuales contiene la clasificación propiamente dicha ordenada por aparatos sistemas y especialidades y cuenta con una clasificación adicional para identificar el tipo histológico de los tumores.

El volumen dos es propiamente el manual del usuario y contiene los procedimientos para el registro, la codificación y la selección de la causa básica de defunción y para la selección de la afección principal en morbilidad.

El volumen tres incluye el  índice alfabético que ayuda al usuario  a localizar los códigos respectivos para cada término diagnóstico anotado por el médico.

From the production of primary data to the elaboration of complete health situation analysis, the generation of strategic health information is a basic principle of public health, on which to base the identification of needs, inequalities and priorities in health, and the monitoring of actions and policies to address them.

The Health Information and Analysis Unit (HA) coordinates PAHO's efforts to collect, process, manage, analyze, and disseminate health data and statistics from PAHO's Member States and technical areas. It contributes to the strengthening of health information in the Region through technical cooperation in the areas of: Strengthening of health information systemsHealth situation analysisRegional Core Health Data Initiative, and Family of International Classifications.

Virtual course for coders in the ICD-10

The Pan American Health Organization will conduct, from October 15, 2018, the Basic Course for coders in the ICD-10, in a new format that incorporates the updates of the ICD-10 from 2016 to 2018.

Course materials: pdf Volume 1 - pdf Volume 2 - pdf Volume 3

Technical Units

Strengthening of health information systems

Health situation analysis

Regional Core Health Data Initiative

Family of International Classifications

The Challenge of Epidemiology. Issues and Selected Readings (1989)

Cover: The Challenge of Epidemiology

The Challenge of Epidemiology. Issues and Selected Readings (1989) [pdf]


Health Situation in the Americas: Core Indicators 2017


Regional Core Health Data Initiative - Basic Indicators - yearly publication [pdf]

Health in the Americas - 2017 Edition

hia-2017-cover-300pxHealth in the Americas - 2017 Edition

Epidemiological Bulletins

2008 - 2009 | 1980 - 2005

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

pdf Volume 1 - pdf Volume 2 - pdf Volume 3

Manuals and learning materials

Methods, guidelines, tools in epidemiology and health situation analysis



We are involved in projects with the following institutions and countries:



The World Bank



Please contact us with any question: At PAHO headquarters in Washington, DC In PAHO Offices in the countries of the Americas

Improvement of the mortality rate of the population of The Americas since 1985 is evidenced in this data visualization. As a result of public health policies and actions, risks to die have consistently decreased in young populations.

General mortality rate in 1-4 years old age group has decreased from 1985 to 2006 47% in Andean, 64% in Central America, 84% in Latin Caribbean, 49% in Non-Latin Caribbean, 51% in Mexico and Brazil, and 42% in North America and 35% in South Cone sub regions. However some inequalities persist among sub regions of The Americas. Explore by yourself this evidence.

 Epidemiologists, health planners, and administrators from countries throughout the Americas Region, among others, met at a seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina in November 1983, to discuss and analyze the role of epidemiology in the developing countries of the Western Hemisphere. After formulating and analyzing ideas and initiatives on the use and future prospects of epidemiology in Latin America, the participants made important recommendations for adjusting epidemiology's practice to current needs.

pdf  PDF VERSION pdf

The PAHO Regional Health Observatory (RHO) was launched on September 27 during the 50th Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization.

The Regional Health Observatory (RHO) is a PAHO institutional resource to facilitate access to data, information, analyses, and empiric evidence for monitoring and evaluating the regional health sistuation. It provides data, statistics, information products and analytical results by priority health themes, including technical briefings and recommendations to support decision making in public health.

As part of this launching, HSD/HA has released the most updated data from the Regional Mortality database and the PAHO Core Health Indicator Information System. The new Open Portal of the RHO is also using innovative methods to disseminate data and communicate health information in a more effective way.

:: More info at the PAHO Regional Health Observatory.

Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health