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Folder Scientific and technical publications


pdf Desempeño de las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido de la malaria. Resultados de la evaluación realizada por la OMS de las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido de la malaria: 1a y 2a ronda; 2009 (Spanish only)  Published Popular


Desempeño de las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido de la malaria. Resultados de la evaluación realizada po r la OMS de las pruebas de diagnóstico rápido de la malaria: 1a y 2a ronda (2009)La Organización Mundial de la Salud calcula que la mitad de la población mundial corre el riesgo de contraer la malaria. El año pasado, 243 millones de personas presentaron malaria clínica (86% en África), con casi 863.000 muertes (89% en África, la mayor parte de ellos, niños).

pdf Disease Surveillance for Malaria Control; 2012  Published Popular


WHO. Disease Surveillance for Malaria Control, 2012A malaria surveillance system consists of the tools, procedures, people and structures that generate information on malaria cases and deaths, which can be used for planning, monitoring and evaluating malaria control programmes.

pdf Disease Surveillance for Malaria Elimination; 2012  Published Popular


WHO. Disease Surveillance for Malaria Elimination, 2012The aim of the elimination phase is to stop local transmission of malaria, in contrast to the control phase, in which the objective is to reduce the number of cases to low levels but not necessarily interrupt local transmission.

pdf Eliminating Malaria - Global Technical Strategy for Malaria; 2016  Published Popular


pdf Estrategia para la toma de decisiones en el marco del manejo integrado de vectores de malaria; 2013 (Spanish only)  Published Popular


Estrategia para la toma de decisiones en el marco del manejo integrado de vectores de malaria. 2013 (In Spanish) Esta estrategia se justifica dada la variedad de escenarios eco-epidemiológicos en los que ocurre la transmisión de malaria en la región de las Américas, lo que determina diferencias en la dinámica de transmisión y de los condicionantes de la efectividad de las acciones de control vectorial, y constituye un reto para la planificación costo - efectiva de intervenciones. La Estrategia promueve por lo tanto priorizar los recursos disponibles para realizar intervenciones con calidad y sostenibilidad en las localidades – focos que determinan la mayor carga de enfermedad – concentración de casos, implementar procesos de análisis para la adecuada selección de las intervenciones y evaluar su efectividad e impacto.

pdf Framework for a national plan for monitoring and management of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors; 2017  Published Popular


Framework for a national plan for monitoring and management of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors; 2017The document outlines the content to be included and the key considerations to be taken into account when developing a national insecticide resistance monitoring and management plan. The guidance given is not intended to be rigid and prescriptive; rather, it is designed to offer countries a framework that ensures adherence to the objectives and recommendations of the Global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors.

pdf Framework for Artemisinin resistance prevention, containment, and elimination in South America; 2016  Published Popular


pdf Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malaria Vectors (GPIRM); 2012  Published Popular


WHO.Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malaria Vectors (GPIRM) 2012Management in malaria vectors (GPIRM) is a call to action. Through this document, WHO and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership call on governments of malaria-endemic countries, donor organizations, UN agencies, as well as research and industry partners, to implement a five-pillar strategy to tackle the growing threat of insecticide resistance and to facilitate the development of innovative vector control tools and strategies. 

pdf Malaria control in humanitarian emergencies – An inter-agency field handbook; 2013  Published Popular


Malaria control in humanitarian emergencies – An inter-agency field handbook. Second edition. 2013The interagency field handbook was developed to set out effective malaria control responses in humanitarian emergencies, particularly during the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. This second edition represents a thorough updating and revision of the first edition. The structure remains similar, but includes an additional chapter on humanitarian coordination.

pdf Malaria Rapid Diagnosis. Making it work; 2003  Published Popular


WHO. Malaria Rapid Diagnosis. Making it work. 2003Early, rapid diagnosis of malaria is gaining increasing importance in health programmes in endemic countries in response to increasing drug costs and recognition of the importance of early, correct treatment to the reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality.

pdf Management of Severe Malaria; 2012  Published Popular


WHO. Management of Severe Malaria. 2012Malaria continues to be a major global health problem, with over 40% of the world's population-more than 3.3 billion people-at risk for malaria to varying degrees in countries with on-going transmission. In addition, with modern, rapid means of travel, large numbers of people from nonmalarious areas are being infected, which may seriously affect them after they have returned home.

pdf Methods and tecniques for assessing exposure to Antimalarial drugs in clinical field studies; 2011  Published Popular


WHO. Methods and tecniques for assessing exposure to Natimalarial drugs in clinical field studies. 2011Achieving adequate concentrations of antimalarial drugs in the blood is pivotal to curing malaria. Accurate measurement of drug concentrations is essential to ensure optimal dosing of the currently available and newly introduced antimalarial drugs and for differentiating inadequate exposure to a drug from true resistance to the drug.

pdf Neglected Infectious Diseases in the Americas: Succeess Stories and Innovation to Reach the Neediest; 2016  Published Popular


pdf Targeted Subsidy Strategies for National Scaling Up of Insecticide-Treated Netting Programmes—Principles and Approaches; 2005  Published Popular


WHO- Targeted Subsidy Strategies for National Scaling Up of Insecticide-Treated Netting Programmes-Principles and Approaches. 2005The purpose of this document is to help those involved in planning, promoting and implementing insecticide-treated netting (ITN) programmes make systematic decisions about how to target public funds effectively. It is based on a week of intensive dialogue-reflecting field experiences in 12 African countries-at a workshop on Mapping models for targeted ITN subsidies.

pdf Universal access to malaria diagnostic testing. An operational manual; 2011  Published Popular


WHO. Universal access to malaria diagnostic testing. An operational manual. 2011The aim of this interagency manual is to provide policy, strategy, technical and operational guidance to countries wishing to strengthen or set up routine malaria diagnostic services. These services include the use of both microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) at all levels for the management of febrile patients by health workers and are integrated within other national programmes for strengthening laboratory services.

pdf WHO malaria terminology; 2016  Published Popular


 WHO Malaria Terminology; 2016

pdf WHO recommended insecticides for indoor residual spraying against malaria vectors; 2018  Published Popular


WHOPES-recommended compounds and formulations for control of mosquito larvae. 2012 WHO recommendations on the use of pesticides in public health are valid ONLY if linked to WHO specifications for their quality control.