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Carpeta Legislation and Policies


pdf CD56-DIV-7-f-presentation-rapport-director  Publicado Popular

290 descargas

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pdf CD57 DIV 2 p discurso presidente cd saliente  Publicado Popular

218 descargas

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pdf CD57 DIV 3 s alocucion director  Publicado Popular

273 descargas

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pdf CE164 13 add I p orcamento  Publicado Popular

236 descargas

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pdf CFNI Quotas  Publicado Popular

4417 descargas

CFNI Quotas

pdf Code de conduite et principes éthiques  Publicado Popular

14195 descargas

L’Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé (désignée ci-après l’OPS ou l’Organisation) est une organisation internationale publique composée d’Etats Membres. L’OPS encourage et coordonne les efforts des pays de l’hémisphère occidental pour combattre les maladies, allonger la vie et promouvoir la santé physique et mentale des individus.

pdf Código de Princípios Éticos e Conduta  Publicado Popular

24908 descargas

A Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (doravante denominada OPAS ou Organização) é uma organização pública internacional constituída de Estados Membros. A OPAS promove e coordena esforços dos países do Hemisfério Ocidental para combater doenças, prolongar a vida e promover a saúde física e mental das pessoas.

pdf Código de Principios Éticos y Conducta  Publicado Popular

22885 descargas

La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (de aquí en adelante la OPS o la Organización) es una organización internacional pública integrada por Estados Miembros. La OPS promueve y coordina los esfuerzos de los países del continente americano para combatir las enfermedades, prolongar la vida y estimular el mejoramiento físico y mental de sus habitantes.

pdf Código Sanitario Panamericano  Publicado Popular

8290 descargas

Código Sanitario Panamericano

pdf Confidentiality of information declaration and commitment  Publicado Popular

13653 descargas

pdf Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization  Publicado Popular

12098 descargas

Adopted by the Directing Council at its I Meeting, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 24 September to 2 October 1947. Amendments approved by the Directing Council at its XIII Meeting, Resolution XXXVII (1961); at its XVI Meeting, Resolution XXIV (1965); at its XVIII Meeting, Resolution II (1968); at the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference, Resolution I (1978); and at the XLI Meeting of the Directing Council, Resolution VIII (1999).

Imagen Costa Rica: Pequeñas criaturas, grandes amenazas - Dengue, zika y chikungunya  Publicado Popular

284 descargas

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documento Day 1 WHO PAHO Addressing Provider Barriers JAM FV  Publicado Popular

261 descargas

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Day 1. WHO _PAHO Addressing Provider Barriers JAM FV.docx

documento Day 4 Case studies FP, HIV diclosure, Mental health JAM FV  Publicado Popular

376 descargas

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Day 4. Case studies FP, HIV diclosure, Mental health JAM FV.docx

pdf Declaración y compromiso de la confidencialidad de la información  Publicado Popular

13132 descargas

pdf Declaration of Merida [Spanish]  Publicado Popular

2444 descargas

The Declaration of Mérida has been drafted in consultation with all the countries, which have made valuable contributions and suggestions. Its signature will be a historic moment in the commitment of the Ministers of Health of the Americas and the beginning of a new stage of effort and energy to tackle this enormous problem that affects the health, well-being, and harmonious survival of society as a whole.

pdf Documento de prueba  Publicado Popular

950 descargas

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pdf Documento de prueba  Publicado Popular

776 descargas

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Advisor_2021-03-15T03_15_44.694Z (1).pdf

pdf El Código Sanitario Panamericano: Hacia una política de salud continental  Publicado Popular

5603 descargas

El Código Sanitario Panamericano fue firmado ad referendum por 18 países de las Américas en el Salón de Actos de la antigua Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales ­actual Museo de Historia de las Ciencias Dr. Carlos J. Finlay­ en La Habana, Cuba, el 14 de noviembre de 1924 durante la Séptima Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana. Posteriormente ratificado por todas las repúblicas americanas, y aún vigente hoy en día, el Código representa el mayor logro de la normalización de la salubridad en el continente americano y la culminación de décadas de iniciativas internacionales dirigidas a prolongar la vida y a lograr la felicidad humana.


Imagen Graphic card 1: How is your blood pressure?  Publicado Popular

266 descargas

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WHD2019 1 ENG

pdf HEARTS2019 Implementation Guide KristyJoseph EN  Publicado Popular

254 descargas

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HEARTS2019-Implementation Guide-KristyJoseph-EN.pdf

pdf HEARTS2019 Investigación en la implementación Vilma Irazola ES  Publicado Popular

293 descargas

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HEARTS2019-Investigación en la implementación - Vilma Irazola-ES.pdf

pdf HEARTS2019 Program Evaluation MonicaLabelle EN  Publicado Popular

474 descargas

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HEARTS2019-Program Evaluation-MonicaLabelle-EN.pdf

pdf INCAP Quotas  Publicado Popular

3132 descargas

INCAP Quotas

pdf Information for health workers  Publicado Popular

368 descargas

preventingsuicide health

pdf Information for police, firefighter and other emergency responders  Publicado Popular

390 descargas

preventingsuicide emergency

pdf Organigrama de la OPS  Publicado Popular

2044 descargas

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 Organigrama de la OPS en español

pdf OrgChartENG  Publicado Popular

597 descargas

pdf PAHO Assesed Contribution Statement as September 30  Publicado Popular

287 descargas

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PAHO Quotas 04oct 2019.pdf

pdf PAHO Code of Ethical Principles and Conduct  Publicado Popular

18915 descargas

The Pan American Health Organization (hereinafter called PAHO or the Organization) is a public international organization composed of Member States. PAHO promotes and coordinates efforts of the countries of the Western Hemisphere in combating disease, lengthening life, and promoting the physical and mental health of the people.

pdf PAHO Organizational Chart  Publicado Popular

2305 descargas

PAHO Organizational Chart (English) 

pdf PAHO Policy on the Prevention and Resolution of Harrassment in the Workplace  Publicado Popular

4813 descargas

pdf PAHO Quotas  Publicado Popular

320 descargas

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PAHO Quotas 04oct 2019.pdf

pdf PAHO Staff Rules and Regulations  Publicado Popular

4204 descargas

This version of the PAHO Staff Rules and Staff Regulations, dated July 2015, incorporates amendments made by the Director to the Staff Rules, confirmed by the Executive Committee during its 156th Session and noted by the by the Directing Council at its 54rd Session.

This version of the Staff Rules and Regulations also incorporates modifications to the Staff Rules made by the Director and confirmed by the 157th Session of the Executive Committee with effect from 3 October 2015.

pdf PAHO Staff Rules and Staff Regulations  Publicado Popular

6967 descargas

The Staff Regulations embody the fundamental conditions of service and the basic rights, duties, and obligations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau staff. They are the broad principles of personnel policy for the guidance of the Director in the staffing and administration of the Bureau. The Director may, as Chief Administrative Officer, provide and enforce such Staff Rules consistent with these principles as he considers necessary. This version of the PAHO Staff Rules and Staff Regulations, dated July 2015, incorporates amendments made by the Director to the Staff Rules, confirmed by the Executive Committee during its 156th Session and noted by the by the Directing Council at its 54rd Session.
This version of the Staff Rules and Regulations also incorporates modifications to the Staff Rules made by the Director and confirmed by the 157th Session of the Executive Committee with effect from 3 October 2015.

pdf Pan American Sanitary Code  Publicado Popular

5284 descargas

The code was signed in Havana, Cuba, on 14 November 1924, at the VII Pan American Sanitary Conference and ratified by the Governments of the twenty-one American Republics (see Appendix I). The Code was amended by the Additional Protocol to the Pan American Sanitary Code (1952), to abrogate Articles 2, 9, 10, 11, 16 to 53 inclusive, 61, and 62, which were extracted in full infra. For a complete text of the Code, please refer to Publication 193 of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (March 1943).

pdf Perez cristia cub xpandrh 2018  Publicado Popular

303 descargas

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IX CPANDRH.Rafael Pérez Cristiá. CECMED. Iniciativas globales de armonización.2018

pdf Política da OPAS en matérica de prevenção e resolução do assédio no local de trabalho  Publicado Popular

4784 descargas

pdf Política de la OPS en materia de prevención y resolución del acoso en el lugar de trabajo  Publicado Popular

5006 descargas

pdf Politique de l’OPS sur la prévention et la résolution du harcèlement sur les lieux du travail  Publicado Popular

5109 descargas

Organisme international de santé publique avec pour mission d’améliorer la santé et le niveau de vie des populations des Amériques, l’Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS) se veut un lieu de travail où toutes les personnes faisant partie de l’Organisation sont traitées avec dignité et respect et en mesure de mener à bien les tâches qui leur sont confiées dans un environnement où n’existe aucune forme quelle qu’elle soit de harcèlement.

pdf Poster 3: World Cancer Day 2020 - ENG  Publicado Popular

441 descargas

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WCD20_Posters_A3_Campaign_FA_ENGLISH_FOTOalt3 (1).pdf

WCD20 Posters A3 Campaign FA ENGLISH FOTOalt3

pdf Poster 8: World Cancer Day 2020 - ENG  Publicado Popular

403 descargas

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WCD20_Posters_A3_Campaign_FA_ENGLISH_FOTOalt2 (1).pdf

WCD20 Posters A3 Campaign FA ENGLISH FOTOalt2

pdf Quotas 15AUG  Publicado Popular

262 descargas

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PAHO Quotas 04oct 2019.pdf

pdf Radiotherapy treatment capacity in the Americas region- PabloJimenez (PAHO)  Publicado Popular

262 descargas

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pdf Reglamento y Estatuto del Personal de la OPS  Publicado Popular

6931 descargas

El Estatuto del Personal enuncia las condiciones fundamentales de servicio y los derechos, deberes y obligaciones del personal de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. Este Estatuto fija los principios que en materia de política relativa al personal deben servir de pauta al Director en la contratación de personal para la Oficina y en la administración de ésta. En su calidad de más alto funcionario administrativo de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, el Director puede dictar y hacer que se cumplan las disposiciones del Reglamento del Personal, compatible con estos principios, que considere necesarias. En esta versión del Estatuto y Reglamento del Personal (julio de 2015), se han incorporado todas las modificaciones realizadas al Reglamento del Personal por la Directora. El Comité Ejecutivo, en su 156.a sesión, confirmó dichas modificaciones y la 54.a Consejo Directivo tomó nota de ellas. Finalmente, en esta versión del Estatuto y Reglamento del Personal se incorpora modificaciones al Reglamento del Personal hecha por la Directora y confirmada por el Comité Ejecutivo en su 157.a sesión, vigente a partir del 3 de octubre de 2015.

pdf Standards of conduct for the international civil service  Publicado Popular

2788 descargas

For the past half century the international civil service has been guided by the Standards of Conduct in the International Civil Service prepared in 1954 by the International Civil Service Advisory Board. Although these standards have stood the test of time, an earlier era resonates in some of the content and tone. The onset of a new millennium provided the impetus for the revision of these standards to take into account global changes and to reflect, in more modern, gender-neutral language, developments and concepts that either did not exist or were of lesser importance in 1954. A renewed interest in the subject on the part of national civil services and the private sector in responding to new ethical challenges was a further stimulus to a new text.

pdf Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service  Publicado Popular

804 descargas

For more than a half-century the international civil service has been guided and inspired
by the Standards of Conduct in the International Civil Service drafted by the International Civil
Service Advisory Board in 1954. Though some of the tone and content of the 1954 edition
evokes an earlier era, the underlying raison d'être for the Standards, and indeed the principles
themselves, have largely stood the test of time. However, as the world has changed over the
decades, so has the nature of services provided by United Nations common system organizations
with the ascendancy and pervasiveness of technology and the shifts in the relationships and
interactions taking place both internally and externally in the organizations. A periodic
reexamination and updating of the Standards was required to reflect this world in transition. The title, Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service, remains as selfexplanatory
now as it was in 1954. Like the versions before them, these revised Standards are
intended as a behavioral and ethical guide. They exist to inform, but also to inspire us and, when
needed, to provide explanations. They reflect the philosophical underpinnings of the
international civil service and inform its conscience. We trust that like the previous version, the
present Standards become an indispensable part of the culture and heritage of the organizations
and are of similarly enduring quality. (July 2013 - from the Foreword)

pdf Statement of Assessed Contributions (PAHO Quotas)  Publicado Popular

15901 descargas

Statement of Assessed Contributions

Imagen Tarjeta 5: Día Mundial de la Hipertensión?  Publicado Popular

312 descargas

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WHD2019 5 ESP