Technical Unit News

Bridgetown, Barbados, 7 May, 2024.- A total of 30 mental health professionals from 18 Caribbean countries and territories are participating from 7 to 10 May on the first Caribbean-focused QualityRights workshop, aiming to catalyze positive changes in mental health services across the Caribbean.  QualityRights is World Health Organization (WHO…
Washington D.C., May 7, 2024—The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Secretariat for Labor Management and Health Education (SGTES) of the Ministry of Health of Brazil discussed future join actions to strengthen the human resources for health in the Americas within the framework of their  technical cooperation agreement.The…
Manaus, 29 April 2024 (PAHO) Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are a growing threat to public health worldwide, with the emergence and re-emergence of arboviruses like Oropouche and Mayaro in conjunction with the sustained circulation of other arboviruses like dengue and chikungunya causing concern. To address this critical issue, the…
Meeting of the WHO mRNA Technology Transfer Programme to discuss investment opportunities with multilateral development banks, hosted by PAHO. Washington, DC - April 17, 2024 - (PAHO)- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) hosted a meeting of the WHO mRNA Technology Transfer Programme, with the participation of the fifteen mRNA…
Malaria medicine planning based on transmission risks.The PAHO Strategic Fund, in collaboration with the Regional Malaria Program, has developed an innovative tool for planning antimalarial medicine needs using the morbidity method, which includes aspects of the elimination strategy and considers local stratification to maintain minimum…
Georgetown, Guyana, April 11, 2024 (PAHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), through its Department of Innovation, Access to Medicines and Health Technologies (IMT), conducted a technical cooperation mission on the strengthening of regulatory and legal capacities for local production and access to health technologies in Guyana. The…
Washington DC, 24 April 2024- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) participated at sidelines events of the 2024 World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings and contributed to discussions on payment mechanisms for Primary Health Care (PHC) and to mitigate healthcare workers migration in the Americas.Payment mechanisms for Primary Health CareAs part of…
Lima, Peru, April 16-18, 2024 (PAHO) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) convened technical experts, country representatives, and stakeholders to define country priorities and explore available tools and methodologies to strengthen integrated care in the first two decades of life using a life course approach.Throughout the Regional…
Washington DC, 23 April 2024 (PAHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) supported the organization of the First International Meeting on Scientific Communication, Health and Social Impact, held from April 8 to 12 at the Faculty of Sciences of Information from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), in Spain. Scholars and researchers…