SHAA2030 - Goal 1

Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030

Objetivo 3

GOAL 1: Equitable Access to Health Services

Expand equitable access to comprehensive, integrated, quality, people-, family- and community-centered health services, with an emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention.

goal 1

Consistent with the commitment of the Member States to advance toward the achievement of universal access to health and universal health coverage, the attainment of this goal requires strengthening or transforming the organization and management of health services through the development of people-, family-, and community-centered models of care, taking into consideration the following:

  • implementation of strategies for universal access to health and universal health coverage;
  • provision of comprehensive health services according to the demographic, epidemiological and cultural profile of the population, with due attention to the differentiated and unmet needs of all people and the specific needs of groups in conditions of vulnerability;
  • implementation of models of care, including organization and management of health services, by level of complexity and based on the needs of the population, through increased resolution capacity of the first level of care and integrated health services networks;
  • ensuring quality of care and improved performance of the health services (e.g., reduction of waiting times);
  • empowerment of people and communities so that they can make informed decisions.
  • Reduce by at least 50% the regional mortality amenable to health care rate (MAHR)[1] (updated from PAHO Strategic Plan impact goal 4.1).
  • Reduce the regional maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to less than 30 per 100,000 live births[2] in all population groups, including those at greatest risk of maternal death (i.e. adolescents, women of over 35 years of age, and indigenous, Afro-descendent, Roma, and rural women, among others, as applicable in each country) (adapted SDG target 3.1).
  • Reduce the neonatal mortality rate to less than 9 per 1,000 live births[3] in all population groups, including those most at risk (indigenous, Afro-descendent, Roma, and rural population, among others, as applicable in each country), and under-5 mortality to less than 14 per 1,000 live births[4] (adapted from SDG target 3.2).
  • Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning[5], information, and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs. (SDG target 3.7).
  • Increase resolution capacity of the first level of care as measured by a 15% reduction in hospitalization that can be prevented with quality ambulatory care (updated PAHO Strategic Plan outcome 4.2).
  • Organize health services into integrated health service delivery networks with high resolution capacity at the first level of care (updated PAHO Strategic Plan outcome 4.2).
