Addressing HIV/AIDS and syphilis in Venezuelan migrant women from the perspective of health managers in the North of Brazil

Alvim et al.


To identify the perception of health managers regarding the actions taken and the challenges encountered in addressing HIV and syphilis in Venezuelan migrant women in Brazil.


This descriptive-exploratory study using a qualitative approach was conducted from January to March 2021 in the municipalities of Boa Vista (state of Roraima) and Manaus (state of Amazonas). Audio interviews with the participants were transcribed in full and examined using thematic content analysis.


Ten managers were interviewed (five in Boa Vista and five in Manaus). Content analysis identified the following domains and themes: available infrastructure for diagnosis and treatment of AIDS and syphilis —access, availability of medical appointments /waiting list, training of health teams, and psychosocial support; challenges faced by Venezuelan women — language, documentation issues, and frequent address changes; and strategies and actions adopted and expectations for addressing HIV/AIDS and syphilis in the context of


Despite the care provided to Venezuelan women in Brazil — guaranteed by the universal nature of the Brazilian health system — language and lack of documentation remain as barriers. Given the absence of action plans and future planning for the care of migrant women with HIV or syphilis in municipalities, it is important to develop public policies aimed at minimizing the difficulties faced by this population.

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