The European ADVANTAGE experience for management of frailty: keys to its applicability in Latin America

Alonso Bouzón y Rodríguez Mañas

The European Commission and 22 of its Member States cofinanced, in 2017-2019, the first joint action to address frailty in older persons, known as ADVANTAGE Joint Action. The initiative developed a common strategy, based on the best scientific evidence, to position healthy aging and frailty as priority public health issues in the participating countries and thus contribute to uniformly addressing frailty across Europe. This article details the methodology and main achievements of ADVANTAGE and includes an analysis of the key factors contributing to its success. In the Action’s three years, powerful multisectoral networks were formed and developed, both nationally and internationally. ADVANTAGE succeeded in mapping out practical routes
for comprehensively addressing frailty and dependency prevention in 22 countries with very heterogeneous political, economic, social, and organizational realities. ADVANTAGE has demonstrated that actions of this type are feasible and effective, and that if the key points of success that have been identified are considered and applied, duly adjusted to each reality, this action can be replicable in any country resolved to promoting the healthy aging of its population, including those of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Special report