Weaving Stories to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance. Launch of the book "Let's make history by telling our stories"

Weaving Stories to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance. Launch of the book "Let's make history by telling our stories"
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to global public health and requires urgent action by all sectors of government and society. It is a multi-causal problem that affects human, animal, and ecosystemic health, and implies the need for a holistic approach from the One Health multisectoral approach. This holistic view is strengthened and amplified by recognizing the perspective of the communities and their contribution to the search for effective solutions to contain AMR. 

In this sense, the stories are presented as a pedagogical, sensitive, and effective tool that facilitates the internalization of the problem and understanding of AMR from and with the communities, recognizing popular experiences and knowledge. This community projection of the stories constitutes a great tool for popular education in health, promoting, among other things, the sensitization and involvement of the communities in the National Action Plans against AMR, contributing to identifying the causes of the problem and the search for solutions to their health needs.

That is why in the scope of the Initiative: Empowered Communities to Address Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the Pan American Health Organization and ReAct Latin America call on communities in Latin America and the Caribbean to tell their stories related to infectious diseases, the use of antimicrobials, hand hygiene and the role of microbes in health.

This May 23, 2024, we will launch the book "Let's Make History by Telling Our Stories", edition 2023, where we will present some of the selected stories through music, theater, and oral narration. We will also launch a new call for "Let's Make History by Telling Our Stories, 2024 edition", to continue to make visible community practices and lessons learned about what is happening concerning AMR in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as community initiatives that exist to address this issue from the One Health approach.

We will have guests from Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Washington, Peru, Panama, Argentina, Honduras and Bolivia.  


May 23, 2024


11:00 am (EDT)

Event Recording

(In Spanish)


Opening: Welcome!

Moderators: Silvina Alessio, RLA, and Nathalie El Omeiri, PAHO
Moderators will introduce the program and presenters, and share key messages about the stories and RAM. 
(15 minutes)

11:00 - 11:15 am    

Welcoming Remarks: Arturo Quizhpe, RLA Director, and Pilar Ramon-Pardo, Chief AMR Pecial Program, PAHO/WHO Washington 
(5 minutes)

Video Performance: "Aesthetics of the invisible: What is AMR?", a video that contextualizes AMR through poetry, theater, and music—members of the cultural collective Tornasol, Ecuador. 
(5 minutes)

Conceptual Framework: Creating stories, health, and community 
(30 minutes) 

11:15 - 11:45 am

1) Presentation of the process of the book "Let's make history by telling our stories". Why approach antimicrobial resistance with stories? How do stories contribute to community health? By Jennifer Monsalve, ReAct Latin America 
(10 minutes)

2) Patricia Nogales (Bolivia) presents her story.
(2 minutes)

Video of the theater adaptation of the story "I am not to blame" by Patricia Nogales. A story about the use of antibiotics in pigs. Performed by Colectivo de Teatro La Metáfora (Ecuador). 
(10 minutes)

Sharing stories about community health: Author Presentations
(30 minutes)

11:45 am - 12:15 pm 

Video of the participants answering questions:
What inspired you to share your story? Why is it important to share our stories about AMR? 
(10 minutes)     
Presentation of a story adapted to oral narration "Benoit's lesson on 12th Street, a story about hand hygiene", written by Marsha Friddi and narrated by Maíra Do Mundo, oral storyteller (Brazil) from the La Escuela de las Palabras.
(5 minutes)

A musical interpretation of the story "Un héroe poco Ostentoso" by Ricardo de Val Gómez, by the musical group from Medellín Colombia

PART 4: Closing Remarks
(15 minutes)

12:15 - 12:30 pm

"Let's make history by telling our stories, 2024" calls for proposals, rules, and criteria for participation. Mónica Chiu, PAHO 

Invitation to the story writing workshop to address AMR. Jennifer Monsalve, ReAct Latin America. 
(5 minutes)

Closing and farewell.
(5 minutes)

Invitation to download the book Song "Resistencia bacteriana" by Cubanos en la Red, with images from the book. 
(5 minutes)