CD59/INF/10 - Plan of Action on Antimicrobial Resistance: Final Report

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This document reports on the status of implementation of the Plan of Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (Document CD54/12, Rev. 1), approved by the Governing Bodies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in October 2015 through Resolution CD54.R15.

The goal of the Plan of Action is for Member States to take necessary actions, in accordance with their context, needs, and priorities, to ensure their capacity to treat and prevent infectious diseases through the responsible and rational use of safe, effective, accessible, and affordable quality-assured medicines and other health technologies.

The Plan fits within the framework of universal health coverage, specifically with regard to timely access to quality medicines, and is in line with the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance endorsed at the 68th World Health Assembly in May 2015.