The PAHO Canada Project and the PAHO Revolving Fund end the year with more vaccine-related supplies and cooperation provided to Caribbean countries and will continue throughout 2023.
December 19, 2022 - Caribbean countries and territories have been advancing their COVID-19 demand planning process for 2023 with the support of the Revolving Fund. The process is key to aligning the doses allocated by the COVAX facility, and estimating the budget needed for the upcoming year, which allows PAHO to secure the necessary supply for the region.
Just the past month, the Revolving Fund with support from Canada, delivered seven more million syringes to make available for the COVID-19 emergency and has assisted countries in the Caribbean to pay for COVAX vaccine doses that otherwise would have been hard to access.
Throughout the entire duration of this agreement, PAHO's Revolving Fund delivered 4,3 million syringes, 32,300 safety boxes, and 974,040 COVID-19 vaccines.