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Folder Scientific articles/Artículos científicos


pdf Changing paradigms in Aedes control: considering the spatial heterogeneity of dengue transmission  Published Popular


changing-paradigms-aedes-controlCurrent dengue vector control strategies, focusing on reactive implementation of insecticide- based interventions in response to clinically apparent disease manifestations, tend to be inefficient, short-lived, and unsustainable within the worldwide epidemiological scenario of virus epidemic recrudescence. As a result of a series of expert meetings and deliberations, a paradigm shift is occurring and a new strategy, using risk stratification at the city level in order to concentrate proactive, sustained efforts in areas at high risk for transmission, has emerged. 

pdf Determinantes sociales y desigualdades en la incidencia de tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe  Published Popular


social-determinants-inequalities-tuberculosisObjetivo. Identificar os principais determinantes sociais da incidência da tuberculose (TB) em países da América Latina e do Caribe, uma área geográfica considerada uma das com maior desigualdade socioeconômica no mundo.

pdf Intervenciones para el control de Aedes aegypti en América Latina y el Caribe: revisión sistemática y estudio cualitativo  Published Popular


intervenciones-para-control-aedes-aegyptiAntecedentes. Al momento no se ha logrado sintetizar toda la información cualicuantitativa relacionada al control de Aedes aegypti (A. aegypti) en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Objetivo. Describir la existencia y el grado de ejecución de los programas específicos o actividades de control vectorial en ALC como parte de programas sanitarios, establecer los costos y/o costoefectividad de las estrategias de control vectorial e identificar barreras y facilitadores para la implementación de las estrategias. Métodos. El estudio se llevará a cabo en dos fases complementarias.

pdf Investigación operativa para fortalecer el control de la tuberculosis en la Región de las Américas (Editorial)  Published Popular


operational-research-tuberculosisLa tuberculosis sigue representando un importante problema de salud en todo el mundo, a pesar del considerable progreso que se ha logrado desde que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró esta enfermedad como una emergencia de salud pública mundial en 1993. Desde aquel entonces la mortalidad ha descendido 45%, se han registrado disminuciones anuales de la incidencia y se han salvado unos 37 millones de vidas entre el 2000 y el 2013. Los países han hecho grandes esfuerzos para alcanzar las metas mundiales relativas a la tuberculosis fijadas para el 2015 en el contexto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) y la estrategia Alto a la Tuberculosis. A pesar de ello, unos 9 millones de personas contrajeron tuberculosis en el 2013, de las cuales 360 000 presentaban coinfección por el VIH y 1,5 millones murieron a causa de la enfermedad (1).

pdf Operational research to strengthen tuberculosis control in the Americas (Editorial)  Published Popular


operational-research-tuberculosisTuberculosis (TB) continues to be an important global health problem, despite significant progress since the declaration of TB as a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993. Mortality has declined by 45% since then, with annual decreases of incidence and an estimated 37 million lives saved between 2000 and 2013. Countries have made a considerable effort to achieve the 2015 global targets related to TB within the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Stop TB Strategy. In spite of this, an estimated 9 million people developed TB in 2013, of whom 360 000 cases were co-infected with HIV and 1.5 million died from the disease (1).

pdf Social determinants and inequalities in tuberculosis incidence in Latin America and the Caribbean  Published Popular


social-determinants-inequalities-tuberculosisObjective. To identify key social determinants of tuberculosis (TB) incidence among countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a geographic area regarded as one of the most socioeconomically unequal in the world.

pdf What will it take to end AIDS in the Americas? (Editorial)  Published Popular


end-aids-in-the-americasThe Region of the Americas has been a pioneer in its response to HIV and has achieved admirable results. Over the course of the last 30 years, its countries have strengthened their national responses by building on the principles of equity and human rights, employing a gender perspective and scaling up HIV prevention, care and treatment programs to advance toward universal access. In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), coverage of antiretroviral treatment (ART) reached 55% of the estimated 2 million persons living with HIV in 2015, a level exceeded only by Western and Central Europe and North America (59%).