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Protect Patti
Salud ocupacional
y control de infecciones
Di-no a la Influenza
Obra de Teatro
Guia del FLUKIT

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Salud ocupacional y control de infecciones para trabajadores en el área de salud
This interactive course, in Spanish, presents techniques to decrease transmission of infectious diseases among health workers using text, audio and video.
The course features the following 5 lessons in approximately 45 minutes:
  1. Introduction to infection control and occupational health principles
  2. Hand hygiene
  3. Personal protective equipment (PPE) or barriers
  4. Exposure to blood and body fluids and clean up methods, and proper disposal of needles
  5. Patient isolation
  1. Be aware of the importance of infection control
  2. Be familiar with and apply routine infection control precautions as part of your daily practice
  3. Know how and when to use PPE or barriers
  4. Be able to describe the various types of isolation
Targeted audience:  Healthcare Workers
Screenshots: Click on images to access the course.