7th EYE Strategy Annual Partners’ Meeting (APM)

7th EYE Strategy Annual Partners’ Meeting (APM)
EYE Strategy Annual meeting

“Together. In our lifetime. We will eliminate yellow fever epidemics."

Ethiopia,  2024

Date: 19th to 21st March, 2024

Venue: UN Conference Center & live streamed (Zoom details to be shared closer to the date of the meeting)

Registrater here as online participant

(in-person registration closed)

Contact for queries on registration: Ilhem Abassi abassi@who.int


In response to the 2016 yellow fever (YF) outbreak in Angola and the threat of international  spread, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s  Emergency Fund) and WHO (World Health Organization) developed a comprehensive, multipartner strategy to Eliminate Yellow fever Epidemics (EYE) 2017–2026 with objectives to protect at-risk populations, prevent international spread and rapidly contain outbreaks. A mid-term evaluation was undertaken by the WHO Evaluation Office working with the Regional Offices for Africa and the Americas, in collaboration with Gavi and UNICEF.

Objectives of the meeting:

  • to generate a renewed and invigorated commitment to action from countries with an interest in yellow fever and the Strategy itself,
  • to provide strategic updates on the Strategy from key EYE governance entities,
  • for the community to ask questions and make useful connections with each other,
  • to inform on actions following the independent mid-term evaluation
  • to focus on the areas of priority moving forward in the accelerated phase of the EYE  Strategy (from now until the end of the Strategy in 2026), AND
  • to determine sustainability of yellow fever prevention beyond the life of the EYE Strategy


  • Ministry of Health representatives from Africa and Latin America (Peru, Brazil and Ecuador)
  • Technical and financial partners
  • EYE governance entity leaders and members
  • WHO & UNICEF regional/country representatives from emergency preparedness & response, and immunization
  • Representatives from strategies with which the EYE Strategy aligns
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Academic institutions / research partners
  • YF vaccine manufacturers