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Dossier Integrated Disease Management



pdf OPS. Manual para la Implementación de Proyectos Colaborativos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de atención a las personas con enfermedades crónicas, 2007 (In Spanish)  Publié Populaires

4024 téléchargements

OPS. Manual para la Implementación de Proyectos Colaborativos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de atención a las personas con enfermedades crónicas, 2007 (In Spanish)En América Latina, el número estimado de personas con diabetes en el año 2000 fue de 13,3 millones, y para el 2030 se ha proyectado en 32,9 millones de personas, o una duplicación del número de casos.

pdf PAHO NCD Country Capacity Survey Report, 2013  Publié Populaires

4277 téléchargements

pdf PAHO. Chronic care passport for professionals. 2012  Publié Populaires

5110 téléchargements

PAHO. Chronic care passport for professionals. 2012The Chronic Care Passport is a patient-held card used by patients with CNCDs such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

pdf PAHO. Chronic Care Passport. 2012  Publié Populaires

3019 téléchargements

PAHO. Chronic Care Passport. 2012The Chronic Care Passport is a patient-held card used by patients with CNCDs such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

pdf PAHO. Factsheet: Improving Chronic Illness Care, 2012  Publié Populaires

5458 téléchargements

PAHO. Factsheet: Improving Chronic Illness Care, 2012Key issues. Chronic Diseases are the main public health challenge of the 21st century The management of chronic diseases is complex and requires a well-trained health force. Although there are notable exceptions, most health systems today are still trying to manage chronic problems using acute care mentality, methods and systems.

pdf PAHO. Factsheet: Passport Care, 2012  Publié Populaires

4311 téléchargements

PAHO. Factsheet: Passport Care, 2012PAHO supports the strengthening of primary health care (PHC) and the integrated, population-based management of chronic diseases which features clinical guidelines and evidence-based protocols, monitoring, quality improvement and the organization of proactive care.

pdf PAHO. Healthy Living  Publié Populaires

5064 téléchargements

PAHO. Healthy LivingIt's never to late to change your habits, and by establishing a healthy lifestyle now, you'll continue to reap the rewards in the future. Relevant information about diabetes o blood sugar; foot care, Hypertension, and Physical activity and more.

pdf PAHO. Improving Chronic Illness Care Through Integrated Health Service Delivery Network. 2012  Publié Populaires

10924 téléchargements

PAHO. Improving Chronic Illness Care Through Integrated Health Service Delivery Network. 2012Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDNs) are a group of organizations that provide, or arrange for the provision of, equitable and integrated health services to a defined population.

pdf PAHO. Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions: Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas. 2013  Publié Populaires

26005 téléchargements

PAHO. Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions: Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas. 2013This report describes a model of health care that could deliver integrated management of NCDs within the context of primary health care (PHC), and provides practical guidance for health care program managers, policy- makers, and stakeholders on how to plan and deliver high-quality services for people with CNCDs or CNCD risk factors.

pdf PAHO/WHO Passport to Healthy Lifestyle 2014  Publié Populaires

9690 téléchargements

pdf Salt-Smart Americas: Guide for Country-Level Action  Publié Populaires

1430 téléchargements

The PAHO/WHO Regional Expert Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction has produced this policy statement. It has the rationale and recommendations for a population-based approach to reduce dietary salt intake among all people in the Americas, be they adults or children.

pdf WHO. Preparing a Health Care Workforce for the 21st Century – The challenge of chronic conditions, 2005  Publié Populaires

5983 téléchargements

WHO. Preparing a Health Care Workforce for the 21st Century – The challenge of chronic conditions, 2005This document is a call for the transformation of health care workforce training to better meet the needs of caring for patients with chronic conditions.