Strengthening National Health Research Systems

Woman in a laboratory

Mapping National Health Research Systems

Developing baseline data is a first step for understanding the situation of the different countries regarding health research systems and serves as a basis for comparison. Mapping of National Health Research Systems (NHRS) is also a necessary first step to assess resources, capabilities, and talents in each country and allows for pertinent gaps to be identified and subsequently addressed while also enabling the identification of potential networks and south-to-south linkages in promoting research for health.

National Health Research Policies in the Americas

National Health Research Agendas in the Americas

"Sources: Information collected by the Research team, Office of Knowledge Management, Bioethics and Research, from various sources including HRWeb, Country Offices and Health Authorities, press releases, PAHO Research Newsletter, contributors at the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, and publications."

Research and Development Indicators

SDG Indicator 9.5.1: Gross domestic R&D expenditure on health (health GERD) as a % of gross domestic product (GDP) countries of the Americas


SDG Indicator 9.5.2: Health researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants, by WHO Region


SDG Indicator 3.B.2: Official development assistance (ODA) for medical research and basic health sectors per capita, by recipient country

HRWeb Americas

The Health Research Web is an interactive platform that facilitates access to key information on the national health research systems in the Americas and is a growing source of systematized information on the structure, organization, financing and prioritization of research for health.

HRWeb Americas Tutorials (Spanish only)
HRWeb Americas

Latin American Conferences on Research and Innovation for Health

Read the documents here

  • Final Report: 2nd Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health. Panama, 23 - 25, November 2011
  • Reunión de Seguimiento a la 1a Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Investigación e Innovación para la Salud. Informe Final,15-16 de noviembre de 2009, Habana, Cuba
  • Report of the first Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2008


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