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Carpeta Cancer



pdf Agenda: Improving Cancer Information in Latin America and the Caribbean (Brasilia, October 2009)  Publicado Popular

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Improving Cancer Information in LACA Regional Meeting of Cancer Registries and Cancer Program Managers, Hosted by PAHO and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Ministry of Health of Brazil, National Cancer Institute (Instituto Nacional de Câncer / INCA)

(Brasilia, Brazil, 13–14 October 2009)

Purpose: To review progress, identify challenges and opportunities for improving information on cancer in the Region and to plan future collaborative activities.


  • To learn about advances in PAHO-IARC agreement for collaboration and joint mid-term plan.
  • To discuss progress to date, challenges and opportunities for implementing the PAHO-IARC collaboration and mid-term plan.
  • To showcase available tools and resources to can support countries in their cancer registration and using information for cancer programs.
  • To disseminate best practice and results of successful experiences on cancer registration across the Americas.
  • To foster the current PAHO-IARC partnership and seek potential stakeholders in support of cancer register activities on the national, subregional and Regional levels.

pdf Brasilia Statement on Improving Cancer Information (14 October 2009)  Publicado Popular

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Improving Cancer Information in LACDeclaration issued at the Meeting on Improving Cancer Information in Latin America and the Caribbean, a Regional Meeting of Cancer Registries and Cancer Program Managers, Hosted by PAHO and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Ministry of Health of Brazil, National Cancer Institute (Instituto Nacional de Câncer / INCA), held in Brasilia, Brazil, 13–14 October 2009.

pdf Cervical and Female Breast Cancer Mortality in the Americas, 2009  Publicado Popular

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pdf Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programs: A Rapid Assessment in 12 Countries of Latin America  Publicado Popular

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pdf List of Participants: Improving Cancer Information in Latin America and the Caribbean, Brasilia 2009  Publicado Popular

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Improving Cancer Information in LACList of Participants in the Regional Meeting of Cancer Registries and Cancer Program Managers, Hosted by PAHO and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Ministry of Health of Brazil, National Cancer Institute (Instituto Nacional de Câncer / INCA) (Brasilia, Brazil, 13–14 October 2009)

pdf PAHO-CDC Collaboration in Cancer: Supporting PAHO’s 7-Point Plan of Action  Publicado Popular

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PAHO-CDC Collaboration in CancerPAHO-CDC Collaboration in Cancer: Supporting PAHO's 7-Point Plan of Action for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control, Including Strengthening Cancer Registries: Report of Meeting between PAHO, CDC, and Selected Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Countries (Atlanta, GA, USA, 29-30 April 2009)

Representatives from country cervical cancer program managers and cancer registry personnel from four countries (Barbados, Bolivia, Guatemala, Trinidad & Tobago) met with staff from PAHO and staff from several divisions within CDC: Cancer, STDs, Immunization, HPV laboratory. The purpose was to discuss collaborative activities to support countries with their cervical cancer programs and cancer registries. This activity was programmed as part of the PAHO-CDC cooperative agreement on chronic disease and was a prelude to country missions to assess and evaluate programmatic needs. The meeting objectives were to familiarize CDC staff with the PAHO and Member States' priorities, plans and needs for support with regards to cervical cancer and cancer registration and to brief participants on CDC's capacity to assist Member States to address these needs.

pdf PAHO-IARC Collaboration and Mid-Term Workplan: Progress to Date (October 2009)  Publicado Popular

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Improving Cancer Information in LACThis presentation made in Brasilia in October 2009 reviews the progress made since the last meeting in Quito, Ecuador, in April 2009, on Improving Cancer Information in the Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of PAHO-IARC collaboration.

pdf Report of the Latin American Subregional Meeting on Cervical Cancer Prevention  Publicado Popular

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pdf Taller subregional sobre cuidados paliativos para Centroamérica y la República Dominicana  Publicado Popular

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