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Carpeta Guidelines


pdf Communication for behavioural impact (COMBI). A toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response; 2012  Publicado Popular

5063 descargas

pdf Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in the Americas, guidelines for prevention and control; 1997  Publicado Popular

5835 descargas

pdf Dengue Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control; 2009  Publicado Popular

4302 descargas

 Dengue Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control; 2009

pdf Dengue: Guidelines for Patient Care in the Region of the Americas; 2016  Publicado Popular

6761 descargas

guia dengue atencion enfermos 2016The guidelines consider this continent’s experiences and are evidence-based at the highest scientific level. PAHO/WHO presents this second edition to countries and territories of the Americas at a time when other arboviral diseases (chikungunya and Zika) have been introduced into the Region.

pdf Equipment for vector control – Specification guidelines, revised version; 2010  Publicado Popular

1814 descargas

The purpose of this document is to standardize the development of specifications for major equipment used to apply pesticides for control of vectors. The specification guidelines provided herein are also intended to assist national authorities in selecting equipment of assured quality used to apply pesticides for vector control activities.

pdf Guías de atención para enfermos en la región de las Américas; 2010 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

15039 descargas

Guías de atención para enfermos en la región de las Américas; 2010 (Spanish only)

pdf Guidelines for procuring public health pesticides; 2012  Publicado Popular

2786 descargas

Guidelines for procuring public health pesticides; 2012Pesticide procurement is a highly specialized and complex subject. Expertise is required to ensure that appropriate high-quality pesticide products are procured rapidly, effi ciently, economically and in a fair and transparent manner. It also requires the existence of national policies and guidelines, with clear and transparent procedures supported by appropriate legal provisions and controls.

pdf Pesticides and their application for the control of vectors and pests of public health importance, Sixth Edition; 2006  Publicado Popular

1680 descargas

Pesticides and their application for the control of vectors and pests of public health importance, Sixth Edition; 2006This is the sixth edition of a guide to the use of chemical methods for control of vectors and pests of public health importance. It provides staff involved in operational vector control programmes with practical information on the safe and effective use of pesticides as well as information on the use of chemicals for individual and household protection from insect and rodent pests.

pdf Planning Social Mobilization and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control: A Step-by-Step Guide; 2004  Publicado Popular

3363 descargas

 Planning Social Mobilization and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control: A Step-by-Step Guide; 2004

pdf Sistematización de lecciones aprendidas en proyectos COMBI en dengue en la Región de las Américas; 2011 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

15806 descargas

Sistematización de lecciones aprendidas en proyectos COMBI en dengue en la Región de las Américas; 2011 (Spanish only)

pdf Space spray application of insecticides for vector and public health pest control; 2003  Publicado Popular

1698 descargas

Space spray application of insecticides for vector and public health pest control; 2003This guide provides information on how to control flying insect pests and vectors of diseases by applying insecticides as space treatments. Space treatments are usually designed to provide a rapid knock-down and mortality with little or no residual effect. Such treatments must be considered in conjunction with other control methods as part of an integrated vector management programme. Space spraying provides a rapid method of control in emergency or epidemic situations and may be used for seasonal control of flying insect pests or vectors. 

pdf WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme: "WHOPES"  Publicado Popular

1591 descargas