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Carpeta Human rights and health


Carpeta International Legal Instruments Relevant to Human rights and health

Both the United Nations and the Inter-American systems for the protection of human rights have a significant body of legal instruments that can be used to protect the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health ("right to health") and other related human rights and fundamental freedoms of vulnerable groups.  Human rights and fundamental freedoms have emerged from universal and regional conventions, treaties, covenants and protocols which are considered legally binding for States that have ratified them. Universal and regional human rights "standards" such as declarations, principles and technical guidelines -although not legally binding-, are considered to be an authoritative interpretation of international convention (and treaty) requirements and represent a consensus of international opinion.  In most cases these "standards" or "soft law", are issued by the United Nations General Assembly or Council of Human Rights, by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS) or specialized United Nations and Inter-American System agencies.  As such, "standards" or "guidelines" can be used to guide the formulation and/or review of national policies, plans or programs; the enactment of pertinent legislation and to steer the restructure of health services to benefit vulnerable groups.  Some relevant instruments in the context of the right to health and other related human rights and fundamental freedoms can be found in the following section:


pdf Derechos Humanos y VIH  Publicado Popular

2650 descargas

Han transcurrido más de 25 años desde el comienzo de la epidemia de VIH, durante los cuales ésta se ha extendido a todos los países y territorios del mundo, incluyendo todos los de América Latina. Se ha avanzado mucho en la prevención, educación, promoción de la salud y en la atención y tratamiento de esta infección, pero no se ha controlado la transmisión.

pdf Resolution CD50.R8 Health and Human Rights  Publicado Popular

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pdf Restauración atraumática para el control de la caries dental: historia, características y aportes de  Publicado Popular

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 Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2005. Este trabajo presenta información de relevancia científica sobre la historia, características y aportes de la técnica de restauración atraumática en la prevención y el control de la caries dental.

pdf The Right of Young People to Health and Gender Identities - Brochure  Publicado Popular

4426 descargas