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Dossier Mandates and strategies: MH



pdf A55/18 (2002) - Mental Health: Responding to the Call for Action  Publié Populaires

1730 téléchargements

pdf A55/18, Corr. 1 (2002) - Mental Health: Responding to the Call for Action  Publié Populaires

1665 téléchargements

pdf Brasilia Consensus, Adopted in Brasilia, Brazil, on October 15-17, 2013  Publié Populaires

5661 téléchargements

pdf CD43.R10 (2001) - Mental Health (Resolution)  Publié Populaires

1870 téléchargements

pdf CD43/15 (2001) - Mental Health  Publié Populaires

2095 téléchargements

pdf CD47.R1 (2006) - Disability: Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Context of the Right... (Resolution)  Publié Populaires

2372 téléchargements

RESOLUTION CD47.R1 DISABILITY: Prevention and rehabilitation in the context of the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and other related rights.

pdf CD47/15, Corrig (2006) - Disability  Publié Populaires

2015 téléchargements

pdf CD49.R17 (2009) - Strategy and Plan of Action on Mental Health (Resolution)  Publié Populaires

2578 téléchargements

CD49.R17 (Eng.)

pdf CD49/11 (2009) - Strategy and Plan of Action on Mental Health  Publié Populaires

3390 téléchargements

CD49/11 Mental Health (Eng.)

pdf CD51.R8 (2011) - Strategy and Plan of Action on Epilepsy (Resolution)  Publié Populaires

2864 téléchargements

 CD51.R8 (Eng)

pdf CD51/10, Rev. 1 (2011) - Strategy and Plan of Action on Epilepsy  Publié Populaires

2996 téléchargements

 CD51-10 epilepsy (Eng)

pdf Declaration of Caracas, Adopted in Caracas, Venezuela, on 14 November 1990  Publié Populaires

5891 téléchargements

Adopted in Caracas, Venezuela, on 14 November 1990

pdf Panama Consensus, 8 October 2010  Publié Populaires

2392 téléchargements

pdf Plan of Action on Mental Health 2015-2020  Publié Populaires

13255 téléchargements

pdf Resolution CD40/15 1997 about Mental Health  Publié Populaires

2651 téléchargements

The need for mental health care in the Region, both now and in the near future, requires creative and scientifically-based intervention programs, as well as political will and social consensus for their promotion. The distribution of these needs is not random; the more adverse the living conditions, the greater the needs. Hence, investment in programs and services for the preservation and recovery of mental health at every age will increase the populations that attain sustainable human development. Response to these needs is possible thanks to the significant advances made in knowledge about the brain, in psychology and sociology, and in the development of prevention models and technologies at all levels of care. This document examines the bases for action, the objective of the program, and its principal components, as well as the functional approaches to technical cooperation. The document discusses two initiatives in particular: (1) the initiative to restructure psychiatric care, which promotes the improvement of psychiatric services and their transfer to the community, thereby facilitating their integration into primary health care and the development of programs to reduce the prevalence of depression, epilepsies, and psychoses; and (2) the initiative to promote mental health and the psychosocial development of children.

At its 120th Session, the Executive Committee adopted a resolution for consideration by the XL Directing Council (CE120.R20, Annex) aimed at: (1) supporting promotion and prevention activities in mental health through the formulation of national mental health plans articulated with health and human development plans; (2) ensuring the inclusion of mental health services in the care provided by all health services; (3) supporting the restructuring of psychiatric care; (4) implementing community programs to reduce the prevalence of untreated neuropsychiatric disorders of the type described above and their psychosocial impact; (5) fostering activities to promote mental health and the psychosocial development of children; (6) strengthening the managerial capacity of the divisions/departments of mental health (or in their absence, establishing them); and (7) fostering the development of technical personnel to serve as leaders in mental health.

pdf Strategy and plan of action on epilepsy (2011)  Publié Populaires

5226 téléchargements

pdf Strategy and plan of action on mental health (2009)  Publié Populaires

9448 téléchargements

49th DIRECTING COUNCIL, 61st SESSION OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE, Washington, D.C., USA, 28 September-2 October 2009, CD49/11 (Eng.) / ORIGINAL: SPANISH

pdf WHA55.10 (2002) - Mental Health: Responding to the Call for Action  Publié Populaires

1750 téléchargements