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Dossier Shanghai 2016: 9GCHP: Posters

9th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Shanghai, China, 2016


pdf Health for all and all for health  Publié Populaires

1335 téléchargements

Poster Title: Health for All and All for Health: Constitution of the Latin American Network and the Carribbean Managers of Promotion of Health

Name of First Author: Carlos Ayestas

Institution: Unknown

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all for health, action across sectors, social mobilization

pdf 50 years after an alliance for literacy in health - Cuba  Publié Populaires

766 téléchargements

Poster Title: 50 Years After an Alliance for Literacy in Health: Cuba

Name of First Author: Mercedes Torres

Institution: Unidad de Promoción de Salud y Prevencion de enfermedades

Poster Theme(s): Health literacy

pdf CAPACIDADes - Colombia  Publié Populaires

1358 téléchargements

Poster Title: CapacidadEs

Name of First Author: Natalia Ruiz

Institution: Parque de la vida - Universidad de Antioquia

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health, action across sectors


995 téléchargements

Poster Title: Course Training Aid in Oral Health for Indigenous

Name of First Author: Michel Luis Harlos

Institution: Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI) Cuiabá

Poster Theme(s): Health literacy

pdf Diabetes prevention in schools - Universidad Nacional de San Luis Argentina  Publié Populaires

1164 téléchargements

Poster Title: Diabetes Prevention in Schools

Name of First Author: Diabetes Prevention in Schools

Institution: Universidad Nacional de San Luis Facultad de Psicologia

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health, health literacy, social mobilization

pdf Ecuadorian Network of Health and Well-being Promoting Universities, REUPSB - Ecuador  Publié Populaires

1031 téléchargements

Poster Title: Ecuadorian network of health and wellbeing promoting universities

Name of First Author: Ana Martinez Pérez

Institution: Universidad de las Américas

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health

pdf Evaluation of Two HPV Vaccination Educational Interventions for Hispanic Parents  Publié Populaires

1637 téléchargements

Poster Title: Evaluation of Two HPV Vaccination Educational Interventions for Hispanic Parents

Name of First Author: Maria E. Fernández

Institution: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health, health literacy, social mobilization

pdf Good practices in Healthy Eating and Physical Activity achievement - Brasil  Publié Populaires

660 téléchargements

Poster Title: Good Practices in Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Achievement

Name of First Author: Neyla Menezes

Institution: Municipal Health Department

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all

pdf Health Promotion, facing the perception of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Veracruz, Mexico  Publié Populaires

1827 téléchargements

Poster Title: Health Promotion, Facing the Perception of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Veracruz, Mexico

Name of First Author: Graciela Rojas Carrera

Institution: Servicios de Salud de Veracruz

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health

pdf Implementación de la Estrategia Escuelas Saludables  Publié Populaires

1168 téléchargements

Poster Title: Implementación de la Estrategia Escuelas Saludables

Name of First Author: Gloria Esther Aquino De Mendoza

Institution: Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social - Dirección General de Promoción de la Salud

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health

pdf Implementation of Strategy in the Context of Health Promotion and Social Determinants of Health in the workplace  Publié Populaires

1135 téléchargements

Implementation of Strategy in the Context of Health Promotion and Social Determinants of Health in the workplacePoster Title: Implementation of Strategy in the Context of Health Promotion and Social Determinants of Health in the workplace

Responsible: Directorate of Public Policy and Social Determinants

Institution: Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare

pdf Inclusion of Component "Health Promotion" in the Curriculum of Educational Institutions  Publié Populaires

1194 téléchargements

 Poster Title: Inclusion of Component "Health Promotion" in the curriculum of educational institutions

Name of First Author: Marta Lyrda Anzoátegui De Gutiérrez

Institution: Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social - Dirección General de Promoción de la Salud

Poster Theme(s): Action across sectors

pdf Intersectorial Group for Addressing Vulnerable Population - Mexico  Publié Populaires

914 téléchargements

Poster Title: Intersectorial Group for Addressing Vulnerable Population

Name of First Author: Juan Alejandro Rodríguez Hernández

Institution: Servicios de Salud de Veracruz

Poster Theme(s): Action across sectors

pdf Interventional Models and Educational Community Strategies  Publié Populaires

1014 téléchargements

Poster Title: Interventional Models and Educational Community Strategies

Name of First Author: Roberto Michel Escobar

Institution: Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU)

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all for health, action across sectors, social mobilization

pdf Learning With Food  Publié Populaires

1499 téléchargements

Poster Title: Learning With Food

Name of First Author: Sergio Arguello Angel

Institution: Colegio Nicolas Buenaventura

Poster Theme(s): Health literacy

pdf Medellin takes the word Medellin se toma la palabra - Colombia  Publié Populaires

1080 téléchargements

Poster Title: Desarma Tus Palabras: Disarm Your Words

Name of First Author: Johnathan Clavijo

Institution: Parque de la vida - Universidad de Antioquia

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), social mobilization

pdf My Health Counts, Your Health Counts, His/Her health counts, All our Health Counts! ”. Community Health Clubs in Haiti.  Publié Populaires

1110 téléchargements

Télécharger (pdf, 1.98 MB)


Poster Title: My health counts, your health counts, his/her health counts all our health counts

Name of First Author: Marie Flavienne Ruthza Vincent

Institution: Ecoclubes Haiti

Poster Theme(s): Social mobilization

pdf National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes in Mexico  Publié Populaires

1482 téléchargements

Poster Title: National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes in Mexico

Name of First Author: Lucero Rodriguez

Institution: Direccion General de Promocion de la Salud

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all for health, action across sectors, social mobilization.

pdf Plan “Muncipalities Free of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya”  Publié Populaires

860 téléchargements

Poster Title: Plan "Municipalities free of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya"

Name of First Author: Cynthia Nilda Maria Peralta Núñez

Institution: Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social

Poster Theme(s): Social mobilization

pdf Practice hand washing  Publié Populaires

830 téléchargements

Poster Title: Lavado de Manos

Name of First Author: Marcela Outten

Institution: Universidad Tecnologica de Panama

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health

pdf Program Educational of Buccal Health in the Primary Attention of Health from the Medical University  Publié Populaires

1114 téléchargements

Poster Title:Program of promotion of health development of a culture of health from early ages

Name of First Author:Dra. C Eva Josefina Quintero Fleites (PhD)

Institution:University of Medical Sciences "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" Villa Clara. Cuba

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health, health literacy

pdf Program of promotion of health development of a culture of health from early ages  Publié Populaires

910 téléchargements

Poster Theme(s):Program of promotion of health development of a culture of health from early ages

Name of First Author:Dra. C Eva Josefina Quintero Fleites (PhD) 

Institution:University of Medical Sciences "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" Villa Clara. Cuba ealth for all and all for health, health literacy

pdf Promoting healthy habits in the workplace  Publié Populaires

1245 téléchargements

Poster Title: Promoting Healthy Habits in the Workplace. In Interdisciplinary Action. PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN ANCAP

Name of First Author: Lucia Stefanelli

Institution: Universidad de la Republica

pdf Research to integrate the INHPU -Ecuador  Publié Populaires

825 téléchargements

Poster Title: Research to integrate the participation of the Iberoamerican Network of Health Promoting Universities in the writing process of the Charter of Okanagan, signed in Canada in June 2015

Name of First Author: Ana Martinez

Institution: Universidad de las Américas

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

pdf Saludando: Television and Mobilization - Colombia  Publié Populaires

1065 téléchargements

Poster Title: Saludando: Television and Mobilization

Name of First Author: Andrea Echeverri

Institution: Parque de la vida - Universidad de Antioquia

Poster Theme(s): Health for all and all for health, health literacy, social mobilization

pdf School-based prevention interventions ton childhood overweight  Publié Populaires

1255 téléchargements

Poster Title: School-based Prevention Interventions on Childhood Overweight and Obesity in a Developing Country

Name of First Author: Yamilee Hurtado-Roca

Institution: Boca Raton Clinical Research Global Peru

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all for health.

pdf Social Determinants of Health - Argentina  Publié Populaires

907 téléchargements

Poster Title: Healthy Cities in Argentina

Name of First Author: Ana Iphais

Institution: Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (Argentina)

Poster Theme(s): Health literacy, social mobilization

pdf Social mobilization and determinants: participatory model in contex rural in Mexico  Publié Populaires

3437 téléchargements

Poster Title: Social Mobilization and Determinants: Participatory Model in Context Rural in Mexico

Name of First Author: Jorge Laureano

Institution: Secretaría de Salud Jalisco

Poster Theme(s): Social mobilization

pdf The promotion of institutional markets as a way to foster rural social development - Brasil  Publié Populaires

891 téléchargements

Poster Title: The Promotion of Institutional Markets as a Way to Foster Rural Social Development

Name of First Author: Veruska Prado Alexandre

Institution: Federal University of Goias

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), action across sectors

pdf Universidad Saludable  Publié Populaires

1074 téléchargements

Poster Title: Advocacy for Health in All Policies: Health for All, All for Health

Name of First Author: Roberto Michel Escobar

Institution: Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU)

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health for all and all for health, action across sectors, social mobilization

pdf Urban health and the intra-urban indicators of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - Brasil  Publié Populaires

770 téléchargements

Poster Title: Urban Health and the Intra-urban Indicators of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP): Three Reports from Porto Alegre, Brazil

Name of First Author: Maria Inês Azambuja

Institution: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Poster Theme(s): Health promotion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

pdf Using Intervention Mapping to design a health education program to increase colorectal cancer screening in Puerto Rico  Publié Populaires

2052 téléchargements

Poster Title: Using Intervention Mapping to Plan a Health promotion Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Puerto Rico

Name of First Author: Using Intervention Mapping to Plan a Health promotion Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Puerto Rico

Institution: UT Health Center of Health Promotion and Prevention Research. University of Texas, Houston

Poster Theme(s): Health literacy, social mobilization