Marco multisectorial de rendición de cuentas para acelerar los avances hacia el fin de la tuberculosis en 2030 (Sólo en inglés)

Multisectoral accountability framework to accelerate progress to end tuberculosis by 2030

The first WHO Global Ministerial Conference on TB, entitled “Ending TB in the Sustainable Development Era: a multisectoral response”, was held in Moscow in November 2017. The aims were to accelerate the multisectoral response to the tuberculosis epidemic at global, regional and country levels, in recognition of the fact that investments and actions were falling short of those needed to reach the targets and milestones of the WHO End TB Strategy and the target of ending the epidemic by 2030 that is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; and to inform the first United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on tuberculosis in September 2018. The conference was attended by 117 national delegations.