Training module on malaria control: Entomology and vector control; 2013 (Sólo en inglés)



This Training module on malaria control: Entomology and vector control has been developed to improve the knowledge and skills of entomologists and vector control staff as well as of managers/senior health officers involved in malaria vector control at programme level.

It is designed to provide guidance on relevant aspects of malaria entomology and vector control including identification and sampling of malaria vectors, incrimination of malaria vectors, selection between different vector control options, and monitoring and management of insecticide resistance. The module can be used both for in-service training programmes as well as for pre-service training.

The module is in two parts:

  • The Guide for participants covers basic concepts and information, and includes a series of exercises to be carried out by the participants.
  • The Guide for tutors provides guidance for the facilitators and answers to the exercises..