INEBRIA Research Conference in New York - USA

On September 14-15, the International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs (INEBRIA) and partners organized a conference around the theme of "Screening and brief intervention at the intersection of research, policy and practice: Advancing knowledge and meeting new challenges". The purpose of this INEBRIA conference was to present outcomes of screening and brief intervention research as well as encourage further progress in this field with emphasis on implementing and enhancing what works, in addition to finding new, effective and sustainable methods for addressing harmful alcohol and drug use.

As part of the meeting, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) sponsored two symposia, one on brief interventions in primary health care and the other on discussing experiences from Latin American countries. The sessions were chaired by Dr. Maristela Monteiro, PAHO/WHO Senior Advisor on Alcohol, with presentations led by experts from Latin America, including Marcela Tiburcio (Mexico), Pablo Norambuena (Chile), Daniela Osores (Peru), Erikson Furtado (Brazil), Divane de Vargas (Brazil), Henrique Gomide (Brazil), Aldana Lichtemberger (Argentina), Augusto Pérez (Colombia), Guillermina Natera (Mexico) and Nicolas Barticevic (Chile).