Esta es una lista importante de recursos sobre el tema de la migración y la salud.
- Argentina: Infografía- Monitoreo de Flujo de Población Venezolana 1 (Julio 2018)
- Colombia: Migración desde Venezuela a Colombia. Impactos y estrategia de respuesta en el corto y mediano plazo
- Colombia: Todo lo que quiere saber sobre la migración venezolana y no se lo han contado
- Colombia: Plan de respuesta del sector salud al fenómeno migratorio
- Colombia: Reporte Situacional (Primer Piloto) Enero 2019
- Colombia: Situación y respuesta del fenómeno migratorio en salud en Colombia - Mayo 2023
- Colombia: Regularización y sisbenización de refugiados y migrantes en Colombia - Mayo 2023
- Colombia: Mesas territoriales de salud en Colombia, una oportunidad para la respuesta a emergencias
- Chile: Monitoreo de flujo de población venezolana
- Ecuador: Monitoreo de flujo de población venezolana Ecuador
- Perú: Monitoreo de flujo de población venezolana en el Perú
- Perú: Diagnóstico rápido- Situación de los migrantes venezolanos con VIH en el Perú
- Perú: La Ruta de la Salud- Guía informativa para personas extranjeras viviendo con VIH en Perú
Guías globales (sólo en inglés)
- Health of older refugees and migrants: policy brief
- Health promotion for improved refugee and migrant health. Technical guidance
- Improving the health care of pregnant refugee and migrant women and newborn children. Technical guidance
- Health of refugee and migrant children. Technical guidance
- Health of older refugees and migrants. Technical guidance
- Mental health promotion and mental health care in refugees and migrants. Technical guidance
- Toolkit for assessing health system capacity to manage large influxes of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants
Reportes y prácticas regionales (sólo en inglés)
- Report on the health of refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region. No Public Health without Refugee and Migrant Health
- Spain: assessing health system capacity to manage sudden large influxes of migrants
- Health of refugees and migrantsPractices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants- WHO African Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants- WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants- WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Situation analysis and practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants: Examples of public health interventions and practices- WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants- WHO European Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Regional situation analysis, practices, experiences, lessons learned and ways forward- WHO European Region 2018
- A Rapid Review of Evidence-Based Information,Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Addressing the Health Needs of Refugees and Migrants. Report to the World Health Organization April 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants. WHO South-East Asia Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Regional situation analysis, practices, experiences, lessons learned and ways forward. WHO South-East Asia. Region 2018
- Health of refugees and migrants. Regional situation analysis, practices, experiences, lessons learned and ways forward. WHO Western Pacific Region 2018
Políticas de resoluciones globales y PoA (sólo en inglés)
- Health of older refugees and migrants: policy brief
- Mental health promotion and mental health care in refugees and migrants: policy brief
- Health of refugee and migrant children: policy brief
- Improving the health care of pregnant refugee and migrant women and newborn children: policy brief
- Health promotion for improved refugee and migrant health: policy brief