Spotlight en los Centros Colaboradores de la OPS/OMS

(Última actualización junio 2022)

Alineación de los Centros con los ODS

Los Centros Colaboradores (CC) de la OMS son instituciones como universidades, hospitales, institutos de investigación, academias o ministerios que han sido designados para llevar a cabo actividades en apoyo de los programas de la Organización. Esto se logra alineando los planes de trabajo de los CCs con varios mandatos y documentos rectores de la Organización. Uno de esos instrumentos ela Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). A continuación, es un desglose de cómo los planes de trabajo desarrollados para diversas áreas técnicas están alineados con los ODS, mayormente, el Objetivo 3: Buena salud y bienestar, el Objetivo 16: Paz, Justicia e Instituciones Sólidas y el Objetivo 17: Alianzas Para Lograr Los Objetivos. 

ODS 3 - Salud y Bienestar

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

CHI-18 - WHO CC for Development of Midwifery

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

COL-16 - WHO CC for Health Promotion and Sexual and Reproductive Health

USA-374 - WHO CC for Reproductive Health

USA-351 - WHO CC for Research Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive Health

ARG-40 - WHO CC for Research in Human Reproduction

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-379 - WHO CC for Promoting Family and Child Health

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

MEX-21 - WHO CC on Health Risk Assessment and Children's Environmental Health

USA-451 - WHO CC for Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship

MEX-32 - WHO CC for Arboviruses

USA-354 - WHO CC for Arthropod-Borne Viruses Reference and Research

USA-397 - WHO CC for Bacterial Vector-Borne Diseases

USA-448 - WHO CC for Biosafety and Biosecurity

CAN-92 - WHO CC for Biosafety and Biosecurity

ARG-35 - WHO CC for Chagas Disease Clinic and Medical Care

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

CAN-37 - WHO CC for Control and Epidemiology of Rabies in Carnivores

USA-182 - WHO CC for Dracunculiasis Eradication

USA-447 - WHO CC for Emerging Infectious Disease Response Research and Preparedness

ARG-15 - WHO CC for Epidemiology and Control of Tuberculosis

CAN-72 - WHO CC for Evidence-Informed Policy

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

URU-4 - WHO CC for Food Analysis

USA-449 - WHO CC for Global One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Initiatives

CAN-105 - WHO CC for Infectious Diseases, Research Methods and Recommendations

USA-441 - WHO CC for Inference and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

ARG-29 - WHO CC for Insecticide Resistance and Insecticide Research on Chagas and Dengue Vectors

CHI-23 - WHO CC for the International Health Regulations (IHR)

BRA-65 - WHO CC for Leptospirosis

USA-358 - WHO CC for Meningitis

USA-442 - WHO CC for Onchocerciasis Diagnostics

ARG-19 - WHO CC for Reference and Research of Arbovirus and Hemorrhagic Fevers Virosis

USA-130 - WHO CC for Reference and Research on Rabies

USA-464 - WHO CC for Reference and Research on Viral Hepatitis

CAN-88 - WHO CC for Research and Training in Parasite Epidemiology and Control

ARG-14 - WHO CC for Research, Referential Diagnosis, Biological Production & Training in Chagas & Parasitic Diseases

USA-438 - WHO CC for Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention

USA-126 - WHO CC for Smallpox and Other Poxvirus Infections

USA-454 - WHO CC for Streptococcus Infections

USA-147 - WHO CC for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals

USA-433 - WHO CC for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance

USA-118 - WHO CC for Surveillance, Epidemiology & Control of Influenza

USA-417 - WHO CC for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Foodborne Diseases and other Enteric Pathogens

BRA-57 - WHO CC for the Control, Training and Research of Leprosy in the Americas

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

CUB-18 - WHO CC for the Study and Control of Dengue

BRA-29 - WHO CC for the Training of Personnel in the Control & Research of Leprosy, mainly for Portuguese-Speaking Countries

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-443 - WHO CC for Trachoma

BRA-49 - WHO CC for Training and Research in Urban Zoonoses Control

MEX-29 - WHO CC for Training on Malaria Microscopy Diagnosis

CUB-29 - WHO CC for Tuberculosis Elimination

CAN-101 - WHO CC for Tuberculosis Research

USA-367 - WHO CC for Vaccine Epidemiology and Evaluation

USA-400 - WHO CC for Vaccine Research, Evaluation and Training on Emerging Infectious Diseases

USA-155 - WHO CC for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

BRA-75 - WHO CC in Rabies

MEX-33 - WHO CC on Antimicrobial Resistance in Foodborne and Environmental Bacteria

ARG-43 - WHO CC on Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance

COR-11 - WHO CC on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Surveillance

USA-440 - WHO CC on Digital Health and Precision Medicine for Tuberculosis

USA-430 - WHO CC on Early Warning Systems for Malaria and other Climate Sensitive Diseases

CAN-106 - WHO CC on Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance

MEX-31 - WHO CC on Laboratory Biosafety

MEX-34 - WHO CC on Laboratory Quality Management

COL-26 - WHO CC on Leishmaniasis Control

USA-403 - WHO CC on Water and Indoor Air Quality and Food Safety

USA-421- WHO CC for Capacity Building and Training in Global Mental Health

USA-445 - WHO CC for Childhood Cancer

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

CHI-20 - WHO CC for Education and Service Development for People with Epilepsy

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-424 - WHO CC for Global Cancer Control

USA-164 - WHO CC for Global Tobacco Surveillance

BRA-68 - WHO CC for Healthy Cities and Health Promotion

USA-414 - WHO CC for National and Global Health Law

CAN-87 - WHO CC for Nutrition Policy for Chronic Disease Prevention

BRA-80 - WHO CC for Rehabilitation

HON-1 - WHO CC for Research and Community Intervention in Epilepsy

CAN-32 - WHO CC for Research and Training in Mental Health

MEX-28 - WHO CC for Research and Training in Mental Health and Substance Abuse

USA-213 - WHO CC for Research on Healthy Settings

USA-416 - WHO CC for Research on Psychiatric Epidemiology and Mental Health

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

CAN-104 - WHO CC for the Prevention and Control of Chronic Kidney Disease

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

BRA-54 - WHO CC for Tobacco Control

USA-418 - WHO CC for Training and Community Mental Health

CAN-44 - WHO CC on Non Communicable Disease Policy

CAN-98 - WHO CC on Nutrition Changes and Development

USA-302 - WHO CC on Tobacco Control Policy Development

USA-307 - WHO CC on Tobacco Control Surveillance and Evaluation

USA-456 - WHO CC for Alcohol Epidemiology and Injury

CAN-29 - WHO CC for Addiction and Mental Health

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

MEX-28 - WHO CC for Research and Training in Mental Health and Substance Abuse

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

CAN-114 - WHO CC on Alcohol and Public Health Policy Research

CAN-97 - WHO CC for Age-friendly Cities and Communities

USA-456 - WHO CC for Alcohol Epidemiology and Injury

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

USA-439 - WHO CC for Emergency and Trauma Care

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-210 - WHO CC for Injury Control

USA-355 - WHO CC for Injuries, Violence and Accident Prevention

BRA-61 - WHO CC for Research on Violence Prevention

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

CHI-18 - WHO CC for Development of Midwifery

COL-16 - WHO CC for Health Promotion and Sexual and Reproductive Health

USA-374 - WHO CC for Reproductive Health

USA-351 - WHO CC for Research Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive Health

ARG-40 - WHO CC for Research in Human Reproduction

USA-272 - WHO CC for Advanced Practice Nursing

CHI-24 - WHO CC for Age-friendly Ecosystems

USA-289 - WHO CC for Biological Standardization

BRA-59 - WHO CC for Education of Health Technicians

CAN-82 - WHO CC for Governance, Transparency and Accountability in the Pharmaceutical Sector

BRA-69 - WHO CC for Healthcare Technology Management

TRT-2 - WHO CC for Health Economics and Financing

BRA-84 - WHO CC for Health Equity Monitoring

CHI-19 - WHO CC for Health Services and Nursing Development for Noncommunicable Disease Care

CAN-113 - WHO CC for Health Services and Systems Performance

USA-423 - WHO CC for Health Technology Management

BRA-66 - WHO CC for Health Workforce Planning and Information

USA-407 - WHO CC for Herbal Medicines

USA-336 - WHO CC for Innovative Health Workers Education, Service and Research Models

USA-241 - WHO CC for International Nursing

USA-193 - WHO CC for International Nursing Development in Primary Health Care

CAN-108 - WHO CC for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment for Health Equity

USA-414 - WHO CC for National and Global Health Law

USA-401 - WHO CC for Medical Education and Primary Health Care

JAM-15 - WHO CC for Nursing and Midwifery Development in the Caribbean

USA-206 - WHO CC for Nursing and Midwifery Leadership

USA-349 - WHO CC for Nursing Human Resources Development and Patient Safety

USA-297 - WHO CC for Nursing Information, Knowledge Management and Sharing

BRA-32 - WHO CC for Nursing Research Development

BRA-56 - WHO CC for Pharmaceutical Policies

BRA-53 - WHO CC for Quality Control of Serology in Blood Banks

USA-429 - WHO CC for Quality-Improvement, Evidence-Based Dentistry

USA-283 - WHO CC for Research and Clinical Training in Health Promotion Nursing

MEX-35 - WHO CC for Resilient Health Services

CAN-94 - WHO CC for Standardization and Evaluation of Biologicals

CUB-26 - WHO CC for the Regulation of Health Technologies

USA-405 - WHO CC in Aging and Health

USA-303 - WHO CC in Gerontological Nursing Education

MEX-24 - WHO CC in Health Technology

ARG-33 - WHO CC in Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

MEX-36 - WHO CC in Integrated Care for Healthy Ageing

TRT-1 - WHO CC in Nursing Policies and Leadership

USA-304 - WHO CC in Pharmaceutical Policy

CAN-39 - WHO CC in Primary Care Nursing and Health Human Resources

CUB-20 - WHO CC in Public Health and Aging

USA-461 - WHO CC in Quality and Safe Education in Nursing and Midwifery

ARG-42 - WHO CC on Donation and Transplantation

CAN-102 - WHO CC on Family Medicine and Primary Care

CAN-56 - WHO CC on Health Science Education and Practice

CAN-65 - WHO CC on Health Workforce Planning and Research

MEX-25 - WHO CC on Quality of Care in Health Service Delivery

USA-436 - WHO CC on Research and Development of Surgical Care Systems Policy

ARG-30 - WHO CC on the Rational Use of Medicines

PER-10 - WHO CC on Traditional and Complementary Medicine

BRA-87 - WHO CC to Strengthen Human Milks Banks

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

USA-381 - WHO CC for Environmental Health Sciences

MEX-23 WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

CUB-16 - WHO CC for Health in Housing

COR-8 - WHO CC for Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology

USA-260 - WHO CC for Occupational and Environmental Health

CAN-96 - WHO CC for Occupational and Environmental Health

COL-24 - WHO CC for Occupational Health

CAN-79 - WHO CC for Occupational Health

CHI-10 - WHO CC for Occupational Health

CAN-43 - WHO CC for Occupational Health and Safety

USA-162 - WHO CC for Radiation Emergency Assistance

MEX-18 - WHO CC for Research and Training in Environmental Epidemiology

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-350 - WHO CC in Environmental Health

URU-2 - WHO CC in Human Environmental Toxicology

CAN-84 - WHO CC in Occupational and Environmental Health

CAN-116 - WHO CC on Children's Environmental Health

CAN-115 - WHO CC on Environmental Health 

GRA-1 - WHO CC on Environmental and Occupational Health

BRA-62 - WHO CC on Environmental and Public Health

CAN-110 - WHO CC on Health Promotion 

MEX-21 - WHO CC on Health Risk Assessment and Children's Environmental Health

CAN-89 - WHO CC on Occupational and Environmental Cancer

USA-334 - WHO CC on Occupational Health

USA-150 - WHO CC on Occupational Health

USA-403 - WHO CC on Water and Indoor Air Quality and Food Safety

USA-164 - WHO CC for Global Tobacco Surveillance

USA-302 - WHO CC on Tobacco Control Policy Development

USA-307 - WHO CC on Tobacco Control Surveillance and Evaluation

BRA-54 - WHO CC for Tobacco Control

CAN-72 - WHO CC for Evidence-Informed Policy

USA-367 - WHO CC for Vaccine Epidemiology and Evaluation

USA-400 - WHO CC for Vaccine Research, Evaluation and Training on Emerging Infectious Diseases

USA-272 - WHO CC for Advanced Practice Nursing

BRA-59 - WHO CC for Education of Health Technicians

COL-27 - WHO CC for Evaluation, Training and Advocacy in Health Promotion

CHI-19 - WHO CC for Health Services and Nursing Development for Noncommunicable Disease Care

BRA-66 - WHO CC for Health Workforce Planning and Information

USA-336 - WHO CC for Innovative Health Workers Education, Service and Research Models

USA-241 - WHO CC for International Nursing

USA-193 - WHO CC for International Nursing Development in Primary Health Care

JAM-15 - WHO CC for Nursing and Midwifery Development in the Caribbean

USA-206 - WHO CC for Nursing and Midwifery Leadership

USA-349 - WHO CC for Nursing Human Resources Development and Patient Safety

USA-297 - WHO CC for Nursing Information, Knowledge Management and Sharing

BRA-32 - WHO CC for Nursing Research Development

USA-283 - WHO CC for Research and Clinical Training in Health Promotion Nursing

PUR-263 - WHO CC for Training and Research in Health Promotion and Health Education

MEX-19 - WHO CC for the Development of Professional Nursing

USA-303 - WHO CC in Gerontological Nursing Education

USA-461 - WHO CC in Quality and Safe Education in Nursing and Midwifery

TRT-1 - WHO CC in Nursing Policies and Leadership

CAN-39 - WHO CC in Primary Care Nursing and Health Human Resources

CAN-110 - WHO CC on Health Promotion

CAN-56 - WHO CC on Health Science Education and Practice

CAN-65 - WHO CC on Health Workforce Planning and Research

BRA-88 - WHO CC on Innovation in Virtual Education for Health

USA-448 - WHO CC for Biosafety and Biosecurity

CAN-92 - WHO CC for Biosafety and Biosecurity

CAN-80 - WHO CC for Classification, Terminology and Standards

USA-388 - WHO CC for Classifications, Terminologies and Standards

USA-439 - WHO CC for Emergency and Trauma Care

USA-333 - WHO CC for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

USA-447 - WHO CC for Emerging Infectious Disease Response Research and Preparedness

MEX-23 - WHO CC for Family of International Classifications

CAN-112 - WHO CC for WHO Family of International Classifications

USA-453 - WHO CC for Global Health Security

USA-359 - WHO CC for Implementation of IHR Core Capacities

MEX-35 - WHO CC for Resilient Health Services

ARG-36 - WHO CC for the Family of International Classifications

CHI-23 - WHO CC for the International Health Regulations (IHR)

USA-148 - WHO CC for the WHO Family of International Classifications

CUB-31 - WHO CC on Communication Strategies and Social Network Content

USA-430 - WHO CC on Early Warning Systems for Malaria and other Climate Sensitive Diseases

MEX-31 - WHO CC on Laboratory Biosafety

MEX-34 - WHO CC on Laboratory Quality Management

ODS 4 - Educación de Calidad

COL-16 - WHO CC for Health Promotion and Sexual and Reproductive Health

ODS 10 - Reducción de las Desigualdades

COL-27 - WHO CC for Evaluation, Training and Advocacy in Health Promotion

BRA-68 - WHO CC for Healthy Cities and Health Promotion

ODS 11 - Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles

USA-213 -  WHO CC for Research on Healthy Settings

BRA-68  - WHO CC for Healthy Cities and Health Promotion

ODS 16 - Paz, Justicia e Instituciones Sólidas

BRA-76 - WHO CC for Global Health and South-South Collaboration

CUB-27 - WHO CC in Knowledge Management and Communication

BRA-76 - WHO CC for Global Health and South-South Collaboration

CUB-27 - WHO CC in Knowledge Management and Communication

ODS 17 - Alianzas para Lograr los Objetivos

SPA-50 -  WHO CC in eHealth

ARG-34 -  WHO CC in Knowledge Management

BRA-76 - WHO CC for Global Health and South-South Collaboration

USA-450 - WHO CC for Information Systems for Health

SPA-50 -  WHO CC in eHealth

ARG-34 -  WHO CC in Knowledge Management

USA-450 - WHO CC for Information Systems for Health

Panorama del Trabajo de los Centros

En junio del 2019, la OPS lanzó una iniciativa para identificar, entre otra información, los resultados más importantes producidos por la colaboración entre la Organización y los Centros Colaboradores (CCs) de la OPS/OMS por un período de 1 de enero del 2015 – 31 de diciembre del 2019.

Esta iniciativa incluido una encuesta que se realizó con todo el personal de la OPS que trabajaba con CCs y de los resultados de la encuesta, esta snapshot se creó para resaltar estos entregables y demostrar cómo esta colaboración está contribuyendo al logro de los planes y programas de la Organización y en última instancia a sus prioridades y mandatos.

Las siguientes notas web de la serie Spotlight están organizadas de acuerdo con el Plan Estratégico 2014-2019 de la OPS.

Nota: Los resúmenes están solamente en inglés

Ver el informe final aquí.