Join us on Wednesday, 15 July, 2020, for a new session of the Alcohol and Health Webinar series, titled: "Alcohol Policy Scales in the US and Canada: Rationale, Development, Uses and Challenges", with the participation of Tim Niami and Kate Vallance. The session will be at 12:30 pm (EDT)
The session will be in English.
Tim Naimi is a professor at Boston University, a physician and researcher at Boston Medical Center; he will be joining the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research later this summer. His research team developed the Alcohol Policy Scale (APS), which is the first scale to assess the restrictiveness of the aggregate policy environment in U.S. states.
Kate Vallance is a Research Associate at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research. She has been involved in the development and disseminations of the Canada Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) project, which characterized Canadian alcohol policies across Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories.
Summary of Presentation:
While individual alcohol policies (e.g., taxes, restrictions on outlet density) can be an effective means of reducing excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms, there are dozens of policies that may exist in any location at a given point in time. Any one policy may be of variable impact, and may interact with other related policies in either a synergistic or duplicative manner, or may or may not be representative of the restrictiveness of other policies or the larger policy environment.
Using examples of policy scales from the U.S. and Canada, this webinar will explore the rationale for developing comprehensive policy scales, theoretical and practical aspects of scale development, uses of policy scales in the service of public health, and challenges in developing and maintaining scales across different regions.
How to participate
- DATE: Wednesday, 15 July, 2020
- TIME: 12.30 pm (EDT) [see below the time correspondence]
- EVENT ADDRESS: On th day and time of the webinar, click on the link below to participate on the session)
- https://paho.webex.com/paho/onstage/g.php?MTID=ee4fbb0671e86bd6e8a12ebb26458b08b
- REGISTER (to receive the recording and presentations):
Alcohol and Health Webinar Series
This webinar is the fith session of the Alcohol and Health Webinar Series for 2020, continuing the series iniciated in 2019, with the purpouse of disseminating up-to-date and accurate information about alcohol epidemiology, harms, policies and research in the Region of the Americas and globally, which in turn can be used for advocacy, policy development and implementation.
To receive invitation to upcoming sessions on this series, as well as the recordings and presentations, register at: http://eepurl.com/gfTHYT
Access the recordings and presentations of previous webinars in the Alcohol webpage following link: Alcohol and Health Webinar Series