Guidelines for strengthening participation of persons affected by leprosy in leprosy services; 2011 (Sólo en inglés)

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“Leprosy is not merely a disease, but a challenge to fellowship . . . There are things that speak to man with ancestral voices, demanding from the enlightened today the redress of the ancient wrongs of the dark past, and leprosy is one of them . . .” Professor T.N. Jagadisan, India, editor, author, teacher and social worker who personally faced the challenges of leprosy. The stigma associated with leprosy, which has prevailed in virtually every culture and has resulted in discrimination, stereotypes, labelling, and ultimately the exclusion of individuals affected by leprosy from equal participation in society. Adoption by the UN General Assembly on 21 December 2010 of the resolution on Principles and Guidelines for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy and their Family Members was a milestone.