HIV Drug Resistance Technical Cooperation Network for Latin America and the Caribbean. Activity Report; 2013 (Sólo en inglés)

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The HIV Drug Resistance (HIVDR) Technical Cooperation Network (TCN) for Latin America and the Caribbean, or HIVDR TCN LAC is an international collaborative initiative coordinated by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) that gathers technical expertise and mobilizes resources to support the implementation of HIVDR surveillance in Latin American and Caribbean countries. It was created in 2013 by a group of HIV experts from clinical and lab background, national program officers and technical cooperation agencies, with the main objective of supporting the implementation of HIVDR surveillance and strategic use of HIVDR data in the Region. 1

The emergence and transmission of HIV drug resistance to antiretroviral drugs in the context of Universal Access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a major challenge for countries that could hinder the long term effectiveness and viral suppression at population level. Since 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) and HIV-ResNet 2 partners have been developing a public health strategy to prevent and assess HIV Drug Resistance in resource-limited countries and in the context of accelerated ART scale up. 3 In 2012 WHO published the first Global HIVDR report 4 and the HIVDR strategy was revised and updated. 5

This report, the second since the launch of the HIVDR Technical Cooperation Network, is a summary of the activities that took place in 2014 under the initiative of this technical group.