Natural Hazards Monitoring - 19 December 2023

Severe weather


On 18 December 2023, the Government of Buenos Aires, Argentina, published information about the heavy rains occurring in the province. According to the information, more than 5,090 incidents related to the rains were reported. A total of 40 districts in the province were affected, and the municipality of Bahia Blanca was the most affected. At least 350 people were evacuated in Bahia Blanca. The Government of the Buenos Aires province declared a state of emergency for 72 hours. Media reported 14 deaths. The reports are available from: Gobierno de la provincia de Buenos AiresGobierno de la provincia de Buenos Aires 2Gobierno de la provincia de Buenos Aires 3 and Perfil


On 18 December 2023, the Uruguay National Emergency System published information about the heavy rains that occurred in the country. There were 2 deaths and 161 incidents related to the heavy rains reported. A total of 122,000 people had their essential services affected. The most affected departments were Canelones, Colonia, and Montevideo. In Canelones, 209 assistance requests were received; in Colonia, 189; and in Montevideo, 201. The report is available from: Sistema Nacional de Emergencias

United States of America

On 18 December 2023, the Power Outage US, reported that more than 700,000 people are without power due to the heavy rains occurred in New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and Maine states. Media reported that high wind alerts were also issued from North Carolina to Maine and more than 500 flights were cancelled. Media also reported that authorities rescued dozens of motorists stranded by floodwaters in South Carolina’s waterfront community of Georgetown, Georgetown County. The reports are available from: Power Outage USABC news and AP NEWS