Natural Hazards Monitoring - 21 December 2022


Severe weather

United States of America

On 21 December 2022, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provided information on the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred in the Humboldt County, Northern California on 20 December 2022. As of the time of the report, there were 11 persons reported injured; initial reports attributing 2 deaths to the earthquake were discarded as it was determined not to have been a contributing factor. Additionally, 27 homes were damaged, emergency power outages were affecting 3 hospitals and 1 medical center, and 14,526 people were without electricity in Humboldt County. The report is available at: FEMA

Brazil (update)

On 21 December 2022, the Civil Defense of the state of Santa Catarina and the Civil Defense of the state of Minas Gerais of Brazil, provided an update regarding the heavy rains occurring in the respective states. In Santa Catarina, there were 2 deaths reported and 65 people were evacuated in the municipalities of Camboriú and Barra Velha. The municipalities of Navegantes, Barra do Sul and Balneário Camboriú declared an emergency. In Minas Gerais, there were 8 deaths, 5,726 people were evacuated, and 96 municipalities declared an emergency. The reports are available at: Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina and Defesa Civil de Minas Gerais