Natural Hazards Monitoring -27 February 2024

Severe weather  

Brazil (Update)

On 27 February 2024, the Acre State Government, Brazil, published updated information on the ongoing heavy rainfall and flooding. Emergency status is being recognized for 17 municipalities in Acre affected by flooding. As of 27 February, 11,000 people were affected and 57 shelters were opened, housing 5,402 people. Media is reporting the severe weather is affecting indigenous populations in Acre; out of 11 affected territories, around 30 indigenous families were affected in the Breu and Amonia regions, losing their plantations, homes, and belongings. Additional media report 30 hemodialysis patients from the Alto Acre region, in the interior of the state, had to travel in canoes from Epitaciolândia to Brasiléia to prevent interruption of their treatments. The reports are available from: Governo do Estado do Acre 1, Governo do Estado do Acre 2, Alto Jurá and G1