Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Key to Control Cholera Epidemic in Haiti

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Key to Control Cholera Epidemic in Haiti

The Haitian Ministry of Public Works and the Interior (Ministère des Travaux Publics et de l'Intérieur) is preparing a 30-day plan to improve the water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in public markets throughout Port-au-Prince. These activities will be coordinated with the Health Cluster and WASH Hygiene & Sanitation sub-clusters.

Two to six sanitations agents will conduct hygiene promotion activities and supervise water and sanitation activities, including cleaning of market areas, removal of solid waste and management of public latrines.

MSPP, PAHO/WHO and health partners are increasingly combining case management activities with activities that address the risk reduction aspect of the strategy, such as this one planned by the Ministry of Public Works. It will not be possible to control the epidemic without massive intervention in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector and increased social mobilization and this notion is being increasingly accepted.

PAHO/WHO supports WASH, DINEPA and MPPS with Environmental Health related protocols, provides support to CTCs and CTUs, and evaluates the implementation of disinfection protocols.

Risk reduction strategies are fundamental to reduce the impact of the epidemic in the short term and also to reduce the impact of Cholera in the medium and long terms. More resources and more partners are needed for an intensified response in this area.

For more information visit our Haiti resources page.