The Region of the Americas is preparing the commemoration of "World Hepatitis Day"

The Region of the Americas is preparing the commemoration of

The Region of the Americas is preparing World Hepatitis Day is commemorated next July 28th. For this reason and, in response to World Health Assembly resolution (WHA 63.18), PAHO is getting ready for the celebration of such event, both in the countries and in Washington DC headquarters, USA.

To date, some countries in the Region have already announced that they will be carrying out activities and events in July 28th; while others have expressed their interest in the commemoration of the World Hepatitis Day and are planning final details.

In the meanwhile, PAHO is finishing the production of materials (including banners, leaflets and toolbox of resources) that will be distributed in the countries and available in the web on July. For this year, PAHO will present as additional materials a set of videos about successful experiences in control and prevention of viral hepatitis in some countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is expected that the videos will serve to share experiences and facilitate initiatives in the fight against hepatitis to be taken.

PAHO plans to follow the World Hepatitis Day through its social media, which will be accessible to public at any time.