Dear colleagues,
We kindly invite you to participate in the webinar "Personal Resilience in preparation for the Hurricane Season" on Thursday, June 10th, at 3:00 pm (AST) as part of the MHPSS/COVID-19 webinar series, organized by the Government of the Virgin Islands and the Mental Health Unit at the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health of the Pan American Health Organization.
Resilience (both physiological and psychological) involves skills which can be taught and learned. This webinar will review some of the most important skills and the scientific basis for resilience practices. It will be a useful review for those who attended one of the previous PAHO-George Washington University in-person workshops, but also for those for whom this may be an introduction. It will address the "How's" and "Whys" of Resilience.
Healthcare professionals, and it will involve both a didactic component as well as practice exercises to help professionals care for themselves as they care for others, addressing psychological first aid, compassionate listening, mindfulness exercises, and hope modules, as well as vicarious trauma and burnout.
- Dr. Allen R. Dyer (The George Washington University)
- Dr. June Samuel (BVI Health Services Authority)
- Dr. Claudina Cayetano (PAHO/WHO)
- To appreciate the evidence base for a resilience approach
- To develop resilience strategies for mitigating stress
- To reconsider the relationship between health, mental health, and public health
- DATE: Thursday, June 10th, 2021
- TIME: 3:00 pm (AST)
- CONNECT AT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88453685388?pwd=QSt6RzV0dWtjOWhpYVR6eHVKMUZ1QT09