Webinar: HEARTS, an Integrative Clinical Tool

Webinar: HEARTS, an Integrative Clinical Tool

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), through the HEARTS in the Americas Initiative in collaboration with The Pan American Journal of Public Health, kindly invites you to attend the webinar on Thursday, November 17th, 2022.

This third webinar aims to highlight the critical need to apply lessons learned from HEARTS and integrate clinical care to close implementation gaps and improve the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension, and other chronic conditions, such as diabetes, in primary health care (PHC).


How to participate





Primary health care teams, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists. Specialists in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Cardiology, Hypertension, and Nephrology. Medicine, nursing and health science students. Health policymakers and managers, and health insurance organizations


HEARTS in the Americas, is the Pan American Health Organization’s flagship initiative for hypertension control and CVD secondary prevention through a standardized treatment protocol for hypertension and a clinical pathway that integrates key components related to cardiovascular risk assessment and management, while strengthening the integration of diabetes and other conditions into primary health care. The initiative is currently being implemented in 2095 centers in 24 countries.

The Pan American Journal of Public Health (PAJPH) celebrates its 100th anniversary. The PAJPH has published a special issue dedicated to the HEARTS in the Americas Initiative that shows relevant research efforts in this Region on the implementation and early results of the full-scale model to improve hypertension control and CVD prevention.


Moderator: Dr. Pedro Ordunez. Advisor, HEARTS in the Americas Initiative. PAHO/WHO   


  • HEARTS in the Americas. A Special Issue of the PAJPH. What's the news? 
    • Dr. Damian Vasquez. Managing Editor. Pan American Journal of Public Health (PAJPH). PAHO/WHO

First segment:

  • Integrating hypertension and diabetes management in primary health care (PHC) settings: HEARTS as a tool.
    • Dr. David Flood. Assistant Professor. University of Michigan. Global health researcher.  


  • HEARTS, an opportunity to integrate diabetes into PHC.
    • Dr. Carmen Antini. Advisor. Prevention and control of diabetes. PAHO/WHO.
  • The HEARTS App: a clinical tool for cardiovascular risk and hypertension management in PHC.
    • Dr. Yenny Rodriguez. Consultant. HEARTS in the Americas Initiative. PAHO/WHO

Second segment:

  • HEARTS in the Americas appraisal checklist and clinical pathway for comprehensive hypertension management in PHC.
    • Dr. Andres Rosende. Consultant. HEARTS in the Americas Initiative. PAHO/WHO


  • HEARTS in Peru.
    • Dr. Jorge Hancco. Director. Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control Department. Ministry of Health.
  • HEARTS in Colombia.
    • Dr. Juan Castrillón-Spitia. Professor. Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas.
  • HEARTS in Mexico.
    • Dra. María Casales-Hernández. Specialist Nurse Affiliated. National Center for Disease Control and Prevention Programs (CENAPRECE).

Keynote speaker

  • HEARTS, an integrative clinical tool
    • Dr. Donald DiPette. Health Sciences Distinguished Professor. University of South Carolina and School of Medicine. Columbia, South Carolina. USA. Consultant for the HEARTS in the Americas.

Time correspondence


  • 10:00 am.– Los Angeles
  • 11:00 am. – Calgary
  • 12:00 pm. –  Belmopan, Bogota, Guatemala City, Mexico City, Panama City, Kingston, Lima, Managua, Quito, San José (CR), San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
  • 1:00 pm. –   Havana, Lima, Nassau, Port-au-Prince, Washington DC
  • 2:00 pm – Bridgetown, Caracas, Castries, Georgetown, La Paz,  Puerto España, San Juan,  Santo Domingo.
  • 3.00 pm - Asunción, Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Montevideo, Paramaribo, Santiago
  • 7:00 pm. – Geneva, Madrid

 For other cities, check the time in the following link 





HEARTS in the Americas

HEARTS in the americas