World Diabetes Day 2020
On ocassion of World Diabetes Day, the Pan American Health Organization is hosting the regional webinar Improving Diabetes Control in the Americas, that will take place on Thursday, 12 November 2020, from 10:00 to 11:00 am (EST), that will serve to amplify the message that diabetes can be controlled and highlight the importance of timely diagnosis, treatment and self-care.
During the webinar, new technical products on diabetes diagnosis and treatment will be showcased, such as the ones contained in the PEN package and the D-modulefor the HEARTS technical package. The donation of insulin to three countries in our Region will be featured and the strengthening of information systems to improve diabetes surveillance, completed in Bolivia and in Honduras will also be showcased.
How to participate
- DATE: Thursday, 12 November, 2020
- TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am (EST) [see time correspondence below]
- REGISTER: https://paho-org.zoom.us/j/83477583941?pwd=SDR2VG8remo4bG5DWUJLdVcrQUNKZz09
Moderator: Silvana Luciani, Unit Chief, Noncommunicable Diseases, Violence and Injury Prevention, Pan American Health Organization
- 10:00 am - Welcome address on the occasion of World Diabetes Day. Ms. Silvana Luciani, Unit Chief of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, PAHO
- 10:05 am - Challenges to improve for diabetes control in the Americas. Dr. Juan José Gagliardino. CENEXA, Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas UNLP. La Plata, Argentina
- 10:25 am - Panel discussion on country perspectives on improving access to diabetes care
- Dr. Douglas Villarroel, South America and Central America Chair of IDF, Bolivia
- Dr. Timotheus Dorh, North America and Caribbean Chair of IDF, St. Lucia
- Dr. Oscar Gomez, National Diabetes Institute, Honduras
- 10:55 am - Showcase of PAHO/WHO technical tools for diabetes
- 11:00 am - Closure
Time correspondence
- 7:00 am.– Los Angeles
- 9:00 am. – Belmopan, Guatemala City, Mexico City, Managua, San José (CR), San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 10:00 am. – Bogota, Havana, Lima, Kingston, Panama City, Quito, Nassau, San Juan, Washington DC
- 11:00 am. – Bridgetown, Caracas, Castries, Georgetown, Port of Spain, Santo Domingo
- 12:00 pm. – Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Montevideo, Paramaribo
- 4:00 pm. – Geneva
For other cities, check the time in the following link