PAHO 57th Directing Council to be held from 9/30 to 4/10

PAHO's 57th Directing Council meets from September 30 to October 10, and includes ministers of health and high-level officials from all countries of the Americas. It is important that all employees, regardless of their role in the Organization, be familiar with the agenda and resolutions of this important meeting.

During the 57th Directing Council, health authorities in the Americas will discuss a range of strategies and plans that include reducing heart disease by eliminating industrially produced trans-fatty acids, a strategy to make access to organ, tissue and cell transplants more equitable, and a plan to improve the quality of care in health services delivery.

In this session, there will not be, as usual, the traditional report on the situation of PAHO/WHO Centers, but BIREME is mentioned in the following documents:

More information is available at: