Peru - Mental health professionals trained in Lima

Peru - Mental health professionals trained in Lima

peru MH

On July 24 and 25, a training of trainers workshop on WHO's mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) was held at EsSalud, Peru's Social Health Insurance.The purpose was to train health professionals specialized in mental health - psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists - who will then replicate the training among non-specialized professionals and provide the necessary support.

The workshop was led by Dr. Andrea Bruni, PAHO/WHO Subregional Advisor on Mental Health and Substance Use.Participants showed interest in the tools described, especially in WHO's mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) and expressed their willingness to replicate the training in the future.

Dr. Nancy Zerpa, in charge of the "Gerencia de Oferta Flexible" (EsSalud) commented that mental health is a priority in national and international public policies, and that the training would help reduce the existing gap in terms of professionals, and provide better care to the insured.

The mhGAP seeks to reduce the treatment gap by decentralizing mental health care and integrating it into primary care.The Intervention Guide offers evidence-based recommendations for improving the quality of mental health care provided by non-specialized health professionals.