14 December. - Integrating mental health into primary health care: Consultancy services

webinar MH Consultoria engThis webinar was organized to present an intervention model that offers a particularly promising form of collaboration, training, ongoing support, and building of care networks in the Region: the "Mental health consultancy services." The material presented was developed by Dr. Rafael Sepúlveda, Head of the Management Division of the Chilean Ministry of Health Care Network, who talked about "Concepts and experiences of the use of mental health consultancy in Chile." He stressed that a good health system is based on a solid development of PHC and that there is no health without properly addressing the mental health component. He defined mental health consultancy services as the collaborative activity and permanent partnership between the specialized mental health team and the primary level general health team.

To access recordings, please visit:(English) https://bit.ly/2BohIrH;(Spanish) https://bit.ly/2yuxxYu.