PAHO launches guidance on immunization throughout the life course

curso vida

Washington, DC, February 27, 2024 (PAHO) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) presented the document Building better immunity: the life course approach for healthy longevity during a webinar titled "Application of a Life Course Approach in National Immunization Programs," on 27 February. 

This virtual event brought together policymakers, healthcare professionals, and advocates to delve into strategies aimed at optimizing immunization efforts across the Americas.

The webinar underscored the critical importance of adopting a comprehensive framework that spans the entirety of an individual's life. The life course approach is a framework to help public health professionals optimize health across the life course and identify key moments when health interventions can gain maximum benefits for the well-being of people and communities. By recognizing the interconnectedness of various life stages and their impact on health outcomes, participants explored innovative ways to enhance immunization coverage, equity, and effectiveness.

“Some of the recommendations made in the publication include the importance of effectively implementing a life course view for immunization services within the primary health care framework. Our speakers provided concrete examples of how this process can be implemented. For this to happen, it is essential that senior officials and policymakers provide strong support and advocacy for policies,” stated Dr. Enrique Vega, Life Course Unit Chief.

The invited speakers summarized the key points and considerations from this document, and offered practical examples of how to apply LCA principles to vaccination, including experiences from Brazil and Colombia and the International Federation on Aging (IFA).