PAHO/WHO to collaborate with community organizations to reduce cardiovascular disease Leaders of community organizations from throughout the…
Director visits Haiti, a PAHO priority country PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne is in Haiti this week to discuss technical cooperation priorities…
Experts to debate strategies for advancing universal health coverage in the Americas Health experts from the Americas and worldwide are…
Ending preventable child and maternal deaths priority at High-level Regional Conference PANAMA CITY, Sept. 10, 2013  — At the Promise Renewed for the Americas conference today, 26 Ministers of Health from Latin America and the Caribbean and seven international partners signed the Declaration of Panama pledge to end all preventable child and…
PAHO/WHO calls for innovative projects to develop medicines and technologies in the Americas All countries and sectors have until 30 September to submit their ideas. In October, a project will be selected to represent the region before the WHO.…
Suicide claims more than 60,000 lives yearly in the Americas Stigma against people with mental illnesses or suicidal behavior is a major…
Pilot studies in El Salvador and Nicaragua show positive impact on new health professionals' confidence in their abilities to promote change Washington, D.C., 29 August 2013 (PAHO/WHO) — A special report published in the latest issue of the Pan American Journal of Public Health shows that health care professionals can be empowered through human…