Results Based Budgeting for Health Coordinator at PAHO/WHO Jamaica



The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an international public health organization with more than 100 years of experience in improving the health and living standards of the people of the Americas. PAHO is an agency of the United Nations system, serving as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization and the specialized health agency of the Inter-American System.

To support the Government of Jamaica, PAHO, UNICEF and UNDP embarked, in collaboration with the MOFPS and PIOJ, on a Joint Project (JP) aimed at strengthening the Public Finance Management capacity of the Ministry of Health and Wellness thereby ensuring efficient, effective and equitable resource allocation towards the achievement not only of the SDGs, but also of the country’s national outcomes reflected in Jamaica Vision 2030. This increased capacity, together with diagnostic budget analyses, development of financial simulation models and budget tracking systems, will enable the reprioritization of funds to services which affect the most deprived and vulnerable populations including children and women and people with disabilities.

With the technical guidance from the PAHO, the Joint Project (JP)  will work on realizing the key strategic outcome of the MOHW Vision for Health 2030 to improve the efficiency of the allocation and utilization of funds provided to the public health sector for the delivery of health care services. As stated in the National Health Services Act, 1997, service delivery is regionalized with the MOHW’s four Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) responsible for delivering quality healthcare service in the four regions – North East, Western, Southern and South East.

The Joint Project (JP) is programmed for implementation over a two-year period in close collaboration with the PAHO; UNDP and UNICEF, and seeks:

  • To strengthen the Public Finance Management capacity of the Ministry of Health and Wellness;
  • To promote efficient, effective and equitable resource allocation towards the achievement not only of the SDGs, but also of the country’s national outcomes reflected in Jamaica Vision 2030.
  • Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions as well as implement effective and targeted capacity-building.

The PAHO invites suitably qualified consultants to indicate their interest in providing support to the implementation of the Joint Project within the MOHW, as a Results Based Budgeting for Health Coordinator. This position will be responsible for harmonizing the activities supported by the Joint Project with ongoing initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Health and Wellness as well as organizing and coordinating the interventions planned under the Joint Project with the Ministry of Health and Wellness.


The Results Based Budgeting for Health Coordinator will be responsible for harmonizing the activities supported by the Joint Project with ongoing initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Health and Wellness as well as organizing and coordinating the interventions planned under the Joint Project with the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

Specific objectives of the Consultancy:

  • Provide support to MOHW to improve implementation of the Results Based Budgeting (RBB) system to reprioritize expenditure towards strategies and programmes that are more efficient and effective in supporting the achievement of the SDGs.
  • Assist the MOHW in conducting diagnostic budget analyses to identify inefficiencies, leakages and wastages in resource usage and highlighting areas where performance of service delivery in strategic areas is sub-optimal to enable corrective action.
  • Support the development of a financial model for the MOHW that will enable the planning and development team to cost the financial sustainability of policy options and assess the potential impact of certain expenditure decision on outcome indicators.

Letters of application should be submitted no later than 5:00 pm, Friday, 21 May 2021.


Download the full terms of reference below: