Join us on Thursday, February 8th, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm (Washington DC time) on the webinar "Goals and Challenges in the Fight Against Cancer: Global Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean" organized by PAHO to mark World Cancer Day. The webinar will review and highlight the PAHO/WHO global initiatives for cancer control in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The event emphasizes specific goals and challenges faced in the fight against cancer, covering the main initiatives: the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer; the Global Strategy for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer; and the Global Breast Cancer Initiative. Additionally, the "Latin American and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer", developed with over 60 regional experts, will be highlighted. This Code includes specific recommendations for cancer prevention adapted to the regional contexts.
This webinar aims to strengthen the fight against cancer in the region, promoting effective collaboration and joint actions to achieve ambitious goals in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, under the guidance of global initiatives and the innovative "Latin American and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer."
Watch the recording
- Examine and discuss the goals and achievements of the global initiatives for childhood, breast, and cervical cancer.
- Present and analyze the "Latin American and Caribbean Code Against Cancer" and its impact on the region.
- Highlight the importance of cancer registries and health information systems in formulating, applying, and monitoring health policies.
Target Audience
- Representatives from the Ministry of Health responsible for cancer control, cancer registration, and strengthening health systems and services for childhood cancer control, including service provision, vaccination, detection, treatment, medication, funding, and governance;
- Representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the area of childhood cancer control;
- DHE, HSS, and NMH focal points in the country office.
Moderator: Dr. Mauricio Maza, Regional Advisor on Cancer, PAHO
- 12:00 pm-12:05 pm - Opening Remarks.
- Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director, Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, PAHO
- 12:05 pm- 1:25 pm - Global Cancer Initiatives
- Global Initiative for Cancer Registries: GICR
- Expert: Marion Piñeros, IARC.
- Subregional case: Sarah Quesnel Crooks, CARPHA, Caribbean Hub for Cancer Registration
- Global Initiative for the Elimination of Cervical cancer
- Expert: Maribel Almonte, WHO
- Country case: Gina Merino, Ministry of Health, Chile
- Global Initiative for Breast cancer
- Expert: André Ilbawi, WHO
- ECHO MIMIC: Toma Omofoye, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Kayiba Medlen, PAHO
- Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer
- Expert: Roberta Ortiz, WHO
- Country case: Karina Quintero, Children´s Hospital, de Panamá.
- Global Initiative for Cancer Registries: GICR
- 1:25 pm-1:45 pm - Latin American and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer
- Expert: Eduardo Cazap, SLACOM
- 1:45 pm-1:50 pm - Closing remarks
- Silvana Luciani, Unit Chief, NMH-NV, PAHO
Time in other cities
- 9:00 a.m.– Los Angeles
- 11:00 a.m. – Belmopan, Guatemala City, Mexico City, Managua, San José (CR), San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 12:00 p.m. – Bogota, Havana, Kingston, Lima, Panama City, Quito, Nassau, Port-au-Prince, Washington DC
- 1:00 p.m. – Bridgetown, Caracas, Castries, Georgetown, La Paz, Port of Spain, San Juan
- 2:00 p.m – Asunción, Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Montevideo, Paramaribo, Santiago
- 6:00 p.m. – Geneva, Madrid
For other cities, check the time in the following link
World Cancer Day
Close the care gap