International Health Days Events

International public health days offer great potential to raise awareness and understanding about health issues and mobilize support for action, from the local community to the international stage. There are many world days observed throughout the year related to specific health issues or conditions – from Alzheimer's to zoonoses; however, PAHO/WHO focuses particular attention on the days and weeks that PAHO/WHO Member States have mandated as "official" public health days for the region.



To prevent, control, and eliminate neglected tropical diseases, it is essential that health actions are integrated, sustainable, and designed with a people and community-centered focus, respecting diverse ways of life. 


Universal Health Day 2024 

Universal Health: Equitable access with financial protection 

Thursday, 12 December 


Expanding access to diagnostics and treatment for all

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The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Peru, through the General Directorate of Donations, Transplants and Blood Bank, invite you to attend the webinar "Experiences in Voluntary Donation Blood, and Organization of Blood Services in the Health System" for…


The Pan American Health Organization / The World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites to the

World Blood Donors Day 2024

20 years of celebrating giving, thank you blood donors!

Perú, host country

Date: Friday, 14 June, 2024…


On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM, the PAHO/WHO Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries invites you to join a panel discussion in celebration of International Nurses Day 2024.  The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is celebrating with the theme "Gender, Leadership…

World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 


World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated every year on 5 May to raise global awareness about the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare and to unite people in support of improving hand hygiene worldwide.