Webinar recording
Joint Rotary International - PAHO webinar
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
2:00- 3:00pm EST | 3:00 – 4:00pm Brasilia
Hosts: Rotary International and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Target audience:
PAHO Country Offices
Rotary members and Governors from all countries of the Americas
Objective: Promote the collaboration between Rotary International and PAHO in all countries of the Americas to maintain the polio-free status of the Region.
Call to action: Strengthen the collaboration between the Rotary Governors and the Immunization focal points of the PAHO Country Offices to conduct joint advocacy and resource mobilization activities in favor of the polio eradication initiative.
Moderator: Ms. Sandra Mallo, PAHO Country Office of Bolivia
Proposed agenda:
Topic and Panelist
Opening remarks.
Ms. Mary Lou Valdez, PAHO/WHO Deputy Director
Dra. Socorro Gross, PAHO/WHO Representative for Brazil
Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo, Rotary International President 2025-2026
Introduction to Rotary International:
Who we are
What we do to promote polio eradication
Our ongoing challenges and opportunities in the Americas.
Mr. Marcelo Haick, Rotary International
Introduction to PAHO:
Who we are
What we do to promote disease eradication, elimination and control.
Dr. Daniel Salas, Executive Manager of the PAHO/WHO Immunization Program
The polio eradication initiative in the Americas: current situation and the way forward.
Dr. Anne Eudes Jean Baptiste, PAHO/WHO Regional Immunization Advisor
Ms. Mary Lou Valdez, PAHO/WHO Deputy Director
Mr. Mike McGovern, Rotary International Polio Plus Committee chair
Interpretation services will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.