Measles, Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Country Profiles

What are the data sources used for these country profiles?

The measles and rubella country profile aims to facilitate the analysis of data compiled in five years. This profile was only developed for those countries who officially reported vaccination coverage and case by case surveillance and laboratory data to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). There may be minor differences reflected in the country profile if the country has updated data that was not reported to PAHO. 

How often the profile will be updated?

The country profile will be automatically updated twice per year: at the end of April (surveillance data) and at the end of September (vaccination coverage data).



Why this data is important and how can it be used?

This data is important because it presents an integrative analysis of vaccination coverage and routine surveillance data compiled in the last five years in each country of the Americas. Countries can use this data in their annual sustainability report, which is submitted to the Measles and Rubella Regional Commission, as well as for other informative activities.