Investigations Office (INV)

Orinoco Expedition: bringing health to the deepest reaches of the Venezuelan Amazon
Credit: PAHO

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) values integrity as a part of its commitment to improving and protecting people’s health. For the Organization, integrity is the “assurance of transparent, ethical and accountable performance”; and its personnel are held to these values and standards.  

With its investigations into fraud, theft, corruption, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, and inappropriate workplace behavior – among other possible breaches of PAHO regulations, rules, and policies – the Investigations Office (INV) supports PAHO in fostering a culture that truly embodies integrity, by supporting an environment where wrongdoing has no place and where voices that speak out are safeguarded.  


We envision a PAHO that operates with integrity to build bridges to a healthier future for all populations in the Americas. 


Our mission is to foster an environment where all voices have a right to be heard with respect, fairness, dignity and confidentiality.  


Annual Reports

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INV reports yearly on its work, achievements and future areas for improvement to PAHO’s Executive Committee. This information is made available for public use in line with the Organization’s values of transparency, accountability, and integrity. Please find below reports for the past five years. 

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |2019 



PAHO Policies

The following policies all relate to the work of the Investigations Office (INV) and provide the foundation for holding perpetrators of wrongdoing accountable, and safeguarding PAHO personnel, those PAHO works alongside and those served by PAHO: 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does INV do? 
INV is responsible for conducting administrative, fact-finding investigations into allegations of wrongdoing involving the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB), personnel or third parties who perform services or activities contracted or financed by PAHO. 

Is INV responsible for enforcing disciplinary measures? 
No. INV's investigations are administrative in nature. The findings, facts and conclusions issued by INV are given to PAHO management, which has the authority to make informed decisions and take appropriate action, disciplinary or otherwise. 

Is INV fully independent? 
Yes. INV is an independent entity that only reports to PAHO for administrative purposes. It has a direct reporting relationship with the Governing Bodies of PAHO through the Executive Committee. Additionally, it reports to the Deputy Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) about administrative matters. Finally, INV receives advice from the Audit Committee. 

What principles guide INV’s work? 
INV is guided by principles of integrity, objectivity, impartiality and confidentiality. As INV performs its mandate without any influence from staff, management or third parties outside of the Organization, these principles are critical to its independent functionality.

Who/what can INV investigate? 
INV has full authority to meet and question any person who works for PAHO and who may have relevant knowledge or information about an issue being investigated. Moreover, INV has full and unrestricted access to documents or files created or stored in PAHO’s electronic system reasonably believed to be relevant to carry out an investigation. 

What is wrongdoing?  
Wrongdoing can refer to the misconduct committed by a PAHO staff member as well as to the intentional illegal, dishonest or unethical conduct committed by contractors, implementing partners and other third parties to the detriment of PAHO and contrary to the terms and conditions of their contractual agreements with the Organization. Wrongdoing can include, but is not limited to:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Harassment
  • Sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Fraud and corruption
  • Workplace concerns

Do I have to be a PAHO staff member to file a wrongdoing report? 
INV’s services are accessible to all PAHO personnel, regardless of the type or duration of their appointment or contract, as well as members of the public who want to file a report about any PAHO personnel or activities contracted for or financed by PAHO.

What types of wrongdoing can I report to INV?
INV investigates anything related to the possible violations of PAHO policies, including misconduct and irregularities, such as fraud, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, retaliation, abuse of authority, discrimination, conflicts of interest, and misuse of resources.

What are the reporting channels I can use to report wrongdoing? 
Allegations or concerns about suspected wrongdoing may be reported to INV through two main channels, including:

  1. Filling out an online form via the PAHO Integrity Helpline

Will my information remain confidential?
INV takes reasonable precautions to protect any confidential information obtained during an investigation as well as the identities of the parties involved in an investigation, including that of the individuals questioned. Any information provided or acquired will remain confidential to the maximum extent possible except under a legitimate need-to-know basis. 
What happens after I file a report? 
Once a report is filed, the Investigations Office uses the following protocol to review, assess and then determine if an investigation is required.

INV case management process

About us

Our Mandate

The mandate of INV is to provide PAHO’s management the factual basis upon which to make informed decisions regarding allegations of misconduct.

In this regard, INV helps the Organization protect its resources, integrity and reputation, and supports the Organization’s accountability framework.

Our Staff

INV is headed by the Chief Investigator, who reports to PAHO’s Deputy Director and serves a single non-renewable term of seven years. Please refer to INV’s Terms of Reference for more details.

INV’s investigators are certified fraud examiners, certified in investigating sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), and capable of conducting their work in PAHO's four official languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.  

Additional functions

INV serves as the secretariat for the Standing Committee on Asset Protection and Loss Prevention, which meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss cases of fraud, theft and loss of PAHO property.

INV is also a member of the PAHO Integrity and Conflict Management System (ICMS), which addresses matters of organizational integrity and conflict resolution.  
