CVD Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction: First Expert Group Meeting Report

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Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction-Final Report of the first Expert Group meeting (9-10 September 2009): There is an urgent need to turn knowledge into action regarding the dangers of high dietary salt. The scientific case is strong – salt is a risk factor for a number of conditions and diseases, most notable being hypertension, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and obesity. People of all ages, including children, are being affected, as are all socioeconomic groups in countries with different levels of economic development. The paradigm is shifting from these conditions and diseases being treated on an individual basis to their being prevented at the population level. In response, the Pan American Health Organization has convened a group of scientific and technical experts to start a process of strengthening capacity in the region for the implementation of population‐wide salt reduction policies. This report presents the results of the first meeting of the expert group.