Health in the Americas 2012: Chapter 5. Health Systems and Social Protection in Health

Health in the Americas 2012: Chapter 5. Health Systems and Social Protection in Health
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This chapter describes and analyzes the situation and trends of the Region of the Americas’ health systems and social protection in health mechanisms during 2006–2010. It examines a range of issues, including governance in health, public policies, and national plans; the strengthening of sectoral capacity; and health system reforms with a primary care approach. It also reviews recent legislative trends toward a guarantee of the right to health, the legal framework that bolsters the role of the national health authority, and the countries’ challenges and achievements in social protection in health. The chapter also presents data on health expenditure and health financing—including household expenditure—and analyzes the impact of economic policy and the financial crises on the health systems. Finally, it explores issues dealing with access to and quality of the services, technology, and the situation and trends of human resources for health in the Region.