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As of 14 July 2022,
11,188 confirmed cases of monkeypox from 66 countries, areas, and territories globally: 80% in the European Region, 18% in the Region of the Americas, 2% in the Africa Region, <1% in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and <1% in the Western Pacific Region. Three (3) deaths has been reported in Nigeria and two (2) in the Central African Republic.
1,981 confirmed cases from 15 countries and territories in the Americas:
796 additional confirmed cases and no additional countries reporting confirmed cases since the last Situation Report on 8 July 2022.
Most of confirmed cases are male (99%), 79% are aged 25 to 45 years old, and most self-identify as men who have sex with other men.
65% of cases in the Americas are local transmitted cases (increase of 6% since the last Situation Report on 8 July 2022).
The IHR Emergency Committee for monkeypox will be reconvened during the week of 18 July, or sooner if needed. As of 14 July 2022, the global risk assessment is Moderate.